• 紫蝶云琦     雅思/托福写作干货之开场段写法

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》


    (写在节目开始之前: Writing是不可教的~因为我是秉持“我手写我心”的人~一个人的思想不可教,也不应该被限制~但,应试的写作是可以教的~所以本文是一些应试写作技巧,仅可用于应试写作,如四六级,雅思,托福等~)



    Step ① +Background Information —— 引入一个大背景,或者描述一个现象, 自然地引入题目所探讨的话题

    例题: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents should encourage their children to care for an animal.

    开场段首句我们就可以写为: e.g. 现在,越来越多的孩子在家里养宠物。
    Nowadays,an increasing number of children are raising pets in their families.
    It is not rare to see children walking dogs with their parents in community parks.

    Step ② Paraphraze the Topic —— 转述题目


    Whether...has been a hot topic/ an issue of public interest and concern. (主语从句)
    People have not reached a common idea whether...(同位语从句)

    e.g. 是否家长们应该允许孩子们养宠物是一个备受争议的话题。
    Wheher parents should encourage children to raise a pet has been a controversial topic.
    或者, eg. 家长们在是否让孩子养宠物这一问题 引起了人们的极大讨论
    It triggers public debate over whether parents should encourage children to raise a pet.

    Step ③ + Two Opposing Ideas —— 提出对立双方观点+自方观点


    Some people assert/argue/assume/believe that...(宾语从句)
    Some people hold the idea/point of the view that...(同位语从句)
    Others hold the opposite opinion that...(同位语从句)

    Personally, I prefer the former(latter) opinion.
    In my opinion/from my perspective, the first(second) point of view is more convincing.
    Frankly, the former(latter) standpoint, I believe, is more acceptable.

    e.g. 一些人认为让孩子们养宠物可以培养孩子独立精神,另一些人则认为让孩子养宠物具有一定危险性,我同意后者观点。
    e.g. Some people assume that raising a pet could foster a sense of independence for children in a young age, while others asserts that it is a dangerous act for children to raise a pet. From my perspective, the second point of view is more convincing.

    ***如觉得提出对立双方观点再提自方观点略微啰嗦,可只提与自方观点相反的观点 ,再转折提出自方观点。

    Step ④ + Some Introductory Words —— 加一些铺垫句子


    e.g. 1)至于我,在考虑下文理由后, 我同意后者。
    As for me, I agree with the latter, especially when the following reasons are considered.(起引导作用,无实际内容)

    e.g. 2) 我认为在考虑到养宠物对孩子健康的潜在危害和对孩子学习的可能影响后,后者更具有说服力。
    Frankly, the latter viewpoint, I believe, is more acceptable, especially when its potential impact on children’s health and its possible influence to their studies are taken into consideration.(起引导作用,又有实际内容)


    e.g. Nowadays,an increasing number of children are raising pets in their families. It is not rare to see children walking dogs with their parents in community parks. Hence, it triggers public debate over whether parents should encourage children to raise a pet. Some people assume that raising a pet could foster a sense of independence for children in a young age, while others asserts that it is a dangerous act for children to raise a pet. Frankly, the latter viewpoint, I believe, is more acceptable, especially when its potential impact on children’s health and its possible influence to their studies are taken into consideration. (105 words)

    如果你觉得字数太长,害怕之后作文头重脚轻, 可一句话背景+转述题目+对立方意见+自方观点+引导词
    e.g. Nowadays,an increasing number of children are raising pets in their families. It triggers public debate over whether parents should encourage children to raise a pet. Some people assume that raising a pet could foster a sense of independence for children in a young age. However, from my perspective, I don’t think it is a good idea for children to be encouraged to care for pets, especially when its potential impact on children’s health and its possible influence to their studies are taken into consideration. (86 words)

    如果你是四六级写作的开场段,则 一句话背景+转述题目+对立方意见+自方观点即可 (四六级作文总体字数要求低,开场段写太多则全文头重脚轻)




    Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject.
    To what extent do you agree or disagree? (题目来源:剑桥雅思5 Test 1 Task 2)


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