• LG·泷儿     真爱无敌(第18期:什么是真爱)

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    爱情总是从感动和心动开始的。但是只有感动而没有彼此的欣赏仍成不了恋人;只有心动,没有持续的关心和责任,也只能收获短暂的爱情。真正的爱情始于感动或心动,但须以关心和责任为扶持,以欣赏和吸引为指路,才能最终走向婚姻的殿堂。 种下爱,收获爱。但需勤浇灌和培土。但如果一方种下的不是爱,那么无论如何也不会收获爱。托尔斯泰说过,感激不是爱。也许所有的爱情在结婚后都会演变成亲情,但它一开始绝不是亲情。 如果你找到的那个人因为一次小误会或小事故就离你而去,那么你不必后悔,因为这恰恰证明了你们的不适合,或者说你们还没有找到真正的爱情。真正的爱情就是能克服一切障碍,甚至勇于面对疾病和死亡的威胁。如果只是一个小小的误会就足以让你们分手,那么不如没有遗憾地放弃吧。 爱的路不会是一帆风顺。有时你爱的人不再爱你,有时你的爱渐渐冷漠,与是爱就到了终点,需要做出选择。爱就是在一段又一段路口走出无数次选择,你不知道要经过几重关口,但只要有耐心和勇气,最终都会找到自己的路。 爱情的路上有许多困惑,但真正的爱情是彼此欣赏,彼此包容对方、体谅对方,同时两个人有着共同的理想和志向,只有这样,才能天长地久。真正的爱情是让人安心的,你不会要求他变得更好,因为在你眼里他已经足够好。如果他做出了改变,那也是他自愿做出的决定。 爱情之路上,你愿意为对方付出多少,这是一块试金石。如果你爱自己更甚于对方,或者对方爱自己甚于一切,那么都不会找到理想的爱情。只有双方都主动为对方着想,先退先让,不以为苦,反以为乐,才能获得期待中的幸福。 爱是一种自由还是束缚呢?我认为爱的本质是自由的,即选择爱的自由。在爱的过程中也应感到自由和舒适,如果在这一个过程中,必须要改变习惯、性格、朋友圈,甚至改变原来的价值观和人生观,才能走到一起,显然爱承载不了这么多的东西。爱无须改变对方,除非这种改变是自愿的。 爱情不是一件物品.没有大小,没有形状.更没价格它是一种感觉,一种思维方式,是一种行动. 一定要问真爱是什么?我也只能简明的慨叙:真正的爱情能够创造奇迹.在生命的荒漠上,惟有伟大的爱情之光能照亮黑暗里的沙漠,使人满怀希望的活下去. 真正的爱情是超越生命的.自古就有生命诚可贵,爱情价更高之说.真爱不仅仅只有花前月下,甜言蜜语的浪漫,而且将两人的生命连系在一起,有福同享,有难同当,在面临生死选择的那一瞬间,为了爱,为了永恒的爱,甚至能为对方付出生命.流下的就是一份已经超越了死亡,永恒地存在着的爱情交响曲. 真正的爱情许要自由的空间.长相厮守的意义不是用柔软的爱捆住对方,而是让对方带着爱自由的飞翔.让彼此能够自由呼吸. 真正的爱情不是占有,而是无私的付出,是时克为对方着想.它不仅体现在遭遇不幸的时候,也体现在日常相处的点点滴滴.真的爱他(她)就为他(她)着想,这样做你也会得到她(他)的爱. 真正的爱还须要宽容. 男人应该怎样去爱女人 爱一个人就是,清晨起床时,轻轻一吻; 爱一个人就是,你赖床不起时,要她拉你起来,当她把手给你的时候,冷不防被你拉到怀里; 爱一个人就是,做了她自己都不能下咽的饭菜时,你却津津有味地吃着,一边说女友做的比外面的好吃多了,然后又偷偷地再吃别的东西; 爱一个人就是,要她帮你抄写东西,你念着念着就冒出*我爱你*,她也顺便就写到文章里; 爱一个人就是,在情人节她向你要花,你一本正经地说:节日买花太贵了,商人趁机涨价呢。当她心灰意冷回到家时,却看见一大把红红的玫瑰在向她微笑; 爱一个人就是,她生气时,你绕着她左三圈右三圈的转:你别生气了,你看你看,我都急得团团转了; 爱一个人就是,她没胃口,不想吃饭时,你一边大声地骂着她,一边往她碗里夹她最喜欢的菜; 爱一个人就是,她要在大雪的深夜归家时,你到她单位等她到全身冰冷,却忘了车子是可以将她一直送到家的; 爱一个人就是,当她身体不好,要坚持吃药,而她老是很大意的将药丢到一边,你看到后对她狠狠地说:以后要是你痛可别叫我,我是不会理你的。到了她痛的时候你看她时比她更痛的眼神; 爱一个人就是,自己吃东西的时候,不在意的就送到她的嘴边,她也不在意的吃上一口; 爱一个人就是,为她买的每一件衣服都合她的身材,可以让她自豪地说:这是我男友为我买的; 爱一个人就是,买了不合你心意的东西,你也很高兴的接受,然后把它放在一边偶尔用上一两次; 爱一个人就是,她为你织的毛衣小了于是想送给别人,你不让:以后我瘦了可以穿的; 爱一个人就是,你高兴时把她搂着转上几圈,失意时可以伴在她的身边,相信她纤细的肩膀能担起你沉重的心情; 爱一个人就是,在外面遇到不愉快的事可以回家对她发脾气; 爱一个人就是,出差在外,每天给她的一个很平常的电话; 爱一个人就是,相信她的全部,也尊重她的全部; 爱一个人就是,你(她)在外面无论遇到什么好玩的、好看的、好吃的都会在心里想到:要是她(你)在有多好; 爱一个人就是,无论把她带到何种场合,你都自豪的介绍:这是我女友; 爱一个人就是,永远用爱心对她,不刻意的为她做很多的事,但每一件都充满浓浓的爱意; 爱一个人就是,两个人互相依赖,互相习惯,习惯于生活中有彼此的存在,习惯于对方的优点和缺点,习惯于空气中有他气息; 爱一个人其实就是平凡,爱到平凡才是真 !!!
    Love always starts with emotion and heartbeat. But only touched without each other's appreciation is still not a lover; only heartbeat, no continuous concern and responsibility, but also can only harvest short-term love. True love begins with touching or heartbeat, but only with care and responsibility as the support, with appreciation and attraction as the guide, can we finally go to the palace of marriage. Plant love and reap love. But we need to irrigate and enrich the soil frequently. But if one side does not love, then love will never be harvested. Tolstoy said, gratitude is not love. Maybe all love will turn into family after marriage, but it is not family affection at first. If the person you find leaves you for a slight misunderstanding or accident, you don't have to regret it, because it just proves that you're not fit, or that you haven't found true love. True love is the ability to overcome all obstacles and even to face the threat of disease and death. If only a small misunderstanding is enough for you to break up, then it is better to give up without regret. The road of love will not be smooth sailing. Sometimes the person you love no longer loves you, sometimes your love gradually indifferent, and is the end of love, need to make a choice. Love is to walk out of numerous choices at one intersection after another. You don't know how many crossings it will take, but if you have patience and courage, you will find your own way in the end. There are many confusions on the way to love, but the true love is to appreciate each other, tolerance and understanding of each other, while two people have a common ideal and aspiration, only in this way, can everlasting. True love is reassuring. You don't want him to be better, because he's good enough in your eyes. If he changes, that's the decision he made voluntarily. On the road of love, you are willing to pay for the other party. This is a touchstone. If you love yourself more than the other person, or the other person loves yourself more than everything, then you will not find the ideal love. Only when both sides take the initiative to think of the other side, give in first, do not think bitter, but take pleasure in, can they achieve the desired happiness. Is love a freedom or a constraint? I think the essence of love is freedom, that is, the freedom to choose love. In the process of love should also feel free and comfortable, if in this process, must change habits, personality, circle of friends, or even change the original values and outlook on life, can come together, obviously love can not bear so much. Love needs no change, unless this change is voluntary. Love is not an object. No size, no shape. No price. It is a feeling, a way of thinking, an action. Must ask what true love is? I can only simply say: true love can create miracles. In the desert of life, only the great light of love can illuminate the desert in the dark and make people full of it. True love is beyond life. Since ancient times, there has been a saying that life is precious and love is more expensive. True love is not only the romantic sweet talk before and after the blossom, but also the life of two people linked together, happy to share, difficult to be equal, in the face of the moment of choice between life and death, for love, for eternal love, even. To be able to give life to each other is a love symphony that transcends death and exists forever. True love promises free space. The meaning of staying together is not to tie each other up with soft love, but to let each other fly with love and freedom to breathe. True love is not possession, but freedom. It is selfless giving, it is time to think of each other. It is not only reflected in the time of misfortune, but also in the daily life of the bit by bit. True love for him (her) on his (her) consideration, so you will get her (him) love. True love also needs to be tolerant. How a man should love a woman to love a person is, when you get up in the morning. To love someone is to ask her to pull you up when you're out of bed, to pull you into your arms when she gives you her hand, to love someone is to eat with relish when she cooks a meal she can't swallow herself, and to say that your girlfriend cooks much better than she does outside, and then steals it Eat something else secretly; love someone is asking her to copy something for you, and when you read it, it comes out * I love you *, and she writes it in the passage; love someone is that on Valentine's Day she asks you to spend it, and you solemnly say: It's too expensive to buy flowers for festivals, and businessmen take the opportunity to raise prices. When she comes home depressed, she sees a large number of red roses smiling at her; love a person is, she is angry, you revolve around her left three circles right three circles: you don't get angry, you see, I'm all in a hurry; love a person is, she has no appetite, do not want to eat, you shout abuse side. She puts her favorite dishes in her bowl; she loves someone because when she comes home late in the snow, you go to her place and wait until she's cold, but you forget that the car can take her home all the time; when she's not well, she insists on taking medicine, and she always carelessly throws it aside After you see, she said to her fiercely, "if you feel pain later, don't call me. I will not talk to you." When she is in pain, you look at her more painful than her eyes; love a person is, when they eat, they do not care to send to her mouth, she does not care to eat a bite; love a person is, for her to buy every clothes fit her figure, you can make her proud to say: This is my boyfriend bought for me To love someone is to buy something that doesn't suit you, and you're happy to accept it, and then put it aside once or twice; to love someone is to give it to someone because the sweater she knitted for you is too small, and you can't let it: I'm thin to wear later; to love someone is to hold her around when you're happy For the last few laps, you can be with her when you are disappointed, believing that her slender shoulders can bear your heavy heart; loving someone is that you can go home and get angry with her when you encounter unpleasant things outside; loving someone is that you are away on business and give her a very ordinary phone call every day; loving someone is that you believe her All, and respect her all; love a person is that you (she) encounter outside no matter what fun, good-looking, delicious will think in mind: if she (you) how good; love a person is, no matter what occasion she is brought, you are proud of the introduction: this is my girlfriend; love a person on Yes, always with love to her, not deliberately for her to do a lot of things, but each is full of strong love; love a person is, two people depend on each other, habits, habits in life have each other's existence, habits in each other's strengths and weaknesses, habits in the air have his breath; love a person is actually Ordinary, love to ordinary is true

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