• Doris陌年微凉     七夕,愿所有等待和坚持都不负青春!

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    That year, he got acquainted with her, which made a difference in her life. At the beginning ,they were in the same class, later he majored in science, while she chose the liberal arts. As the girl's ex-deskmate wanted to study with that boy, the girl made a request to him and he agreed to her. Not feeling good at math, the girl was always upset, so the boy decided to give his hand to her, because of this, they kept in touch all the term.

    One day, the boy thought he had behaved badly in examination, and said something depressing that made the girl very disappointed. However,the girl appeared to not care about it. She thought him as a good friend and confided in him. Later, the boy expressed his love to the girl and they fell in love.During their loving time, they also had quarrels but felt very happy about doing things together,such as spending everyday having meals together, sending him an umbrella on rainy days and using a half of a resting day to study math even if it was the whole holiday on weekends.

    These things didn't change until they came to college entrance examination, they lay on the playground,hoping to watch stars that evening, but failed. He thought he did badly in examination and was afraid to love each other in different places. It is true, he went to the city she once looked forward to, it's pity that she was still in that province. Feeling lonely,frightened and lack of the sense of security, the girl always argued with him, and he didn't know why. Like this again and again, the boy lost his temper finally, it was that time that the girl recognized the root of those quarrels, she told him her bad feelings. After this , he began to understand her and dote on her in every way. However, he couldn't tolerate all the time, sometimes he would lose his temper to punish her, letting her feel depressed, he would give her one day at most to introspect, because he knew the girl would cry if more days. This is his way to deal with problems to encounter happiness.

    Like others, they seldom meet, when they do,they can only arrange travel according to holidays. As the boy would take much time on train to visit her, the girl felt very ashamed and wanted to go where he studys. But she can't distinguish roads, easy to lose, the boy advised her to go with her friend, owing to this,the girl moved at last. They are so fragile . Hoping that he or she looks after them,giving them encouragement when they are in low spirit, having jokes on each other while eating meals and then smiling.

    What a pity ,they can't do like this, they have a lover in distance. Hope all lovers in different places could get together at last! Hope all your waitings and persistence are worth of your youth!

    1970-01-01   1赞       0踩       440浏览 评论(1)
女 入行配角lv20


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