• 解小韵     凯特王妃2018年儿童心理健康周视频致辞丨小韵自制

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    learn more:https://www.childrensmentalhealthweek.org.uk/


    通过交谈、玩帮助孩子们提高他们处理欺凌(bullying)、丧亲(bereavement)、家庭暴力(domestic violence)、家庭破裂(family breakdown)、忽视(neglect)和精神创伤(trauma)这类复杂的社会问题的能力。


    Childhood is an incredibly important moment in our lives. It is the time when we explore our personalities, discover the potential that lies within us and learn how we be ourselves. Our experience of the world at this early stage helps to shape who we become as adults and how we begin to feel comfortable in our own skin.

    I think schools have a really important role in trying to encourage children and young people be themselves. When I first started in Year 7, I found it quite difficult to try and put forward who I was. I spent a lot of time with Place2Be, and they taught me a lot about how I can be who I am.

    When I think about what enables young people to be themselves, I think it’s that team, that community around the young person – whether it’s the school, the parents, the wider community – that…that create that environment and that…and that setting for them to do that.

    Some children will be facing tougher challenges than others, but I firmly believe that while we cannot change their circumstances, we can ensure that every child is given the best possible support to ensure they fulfill their true potential.

    This is best achieved when we, the adults in their lives, work together to give children the emotional strength they need to face their futures and thrive.
    When my children started here, they both attended Place2Be and I feel that attending Place2Be has helped them just realize that, you know, they are who they are, they should be comfortable in their own skin, embrace who they are and that works for them and so that they…they never feel like they’re in competition with someone else.

    In today’s society, it’s quite hard and I feel like it’s important to understand that what you see on social media shouldn’t be what you think you should be.

    Schools and families occupy a special position at the heart of every child’s life and that is why I’m proud to support Place2Be’s work this Children’s Mental Health Week.

    Whether we are school leaders, teachers, support staff or parents, we each have a crucial role to play. When we’re open and honest with each other about the challenges we face, we can work together to ensure the children in our care have the chance to become the best versions of themselves.

    最后附上 2017&2016 王妃的段子,感谢段主Reminisce,里面有你想知道关于王妃的一切!

    还有一段女神 英伦岛的谢CH的段子 也是关于心理健康哒

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