• Jessie带你练口语     12.7 与杰森的朋友认识

    • Just for Fun

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    2017-12-07 Jessie带你练口语
    点击上方蓝字“Jessie 带你练口语”一起学英语

    12.7 与杰森的朋友认识

    Marianne:Hi ,are you George?
    George:Yes ,I am .you must be Marianne. I'ts nice to meet you.
    Marianne: Tt's nice to meet you too. I am very interested in getting to know you better since Jason had such nice things to say about you .
    George:That's so nice of you to say. He has said great things about you too. How has your day been so far ?
    Marianne:Very busy .The good news is that now I have two days off and can have some time to rest.
    George: Yes, I love weekands.
    Marianne:How about you? How has your day been ?
    George:My day has been great ,I didn't have to work today so I caught up on errands that I have been putting off.

    be interested in doing something有兴趣做某事
    errand 差事.任务
    put off推迟,拖延


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