• 胖胖亲子英语     胖胖双语故事66. 不一样没关系

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    【It's Okay to Be Different】
    By Todd, Parr

    It’s okay to be missing a tooth (or two or three)
    It’s okay to need some help
    It’s okay to have a different nose
    It’s okay to be a different color
    It’s okay to have no hair
    It’s okay to have BIG ears
    It’s okay to have wheels
    It’s okay to be Small Medium Large Extra Large
    It’s okay to wear glasses
    It’s okay to talk about your feelings
    It’s okay to eat macaroni and cheese in the bathtub
    It’s okay to say NO to bad things
    It’s okay to come from a different place
    It’s okay to be embarrassed
    It’s okay to come in last
    It’s okay to dance by yourself
    It’s okay to have a pet worm
    It’s okay to be proud of yourself
    It’s okay to have different Moms
    It’s okay to have different Dads
    It’s okay to be adopted 
    It’s okay to have an invisible friend
    It’s okay to do something nice for someone
    It’s okay to lose your mittens
    It’s okay to get mad
    It’s okay to do something nice for yourself
    It’s okay to help a squirrel collect nuts
    It’s okay to have different kinds of friends
    It’s okay to make a wish 
    It’s Okay to be different.
    You are Special and Important just because of being who you are.




    毕竟,一味地说 “你看谁谁谁家孩子……”并不会使宝贝朝着希望的方向发展。我们需要做的只是和孩子一道,正视缺点,学会欣赏,建立自信。 




    1970-01-01   3赞       0踩       3549浏览 评论(2)


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