• 胖胖亲子英语     胖胖双语故事62. 无论怎样

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    【No Matter What 】

    小狐狸今天脾气不太好,不光故意摔东西,还大声叫……惹了麻烦还要问妈妈:你还爱我吗?狐狸妈妈面对着小狐狸一遍又一遍貌似无理取闹的问题,若无其事地说: 哪怕它变成了苍蝇、鳄鱼,妈妈还是会爱你的。

    Small was feeling grim and grumpy.
    " Good grief," said Large. " What is the matter? "
    " I'm grim and grumpy," said little Small, " and I don't think you love me at all."
    " Oh, Small," said Large, " grumpy or not, I'll always love you, no matter what."
    " If I were a grumpy grizzly bear, would you still love me? Would you still care?"
    " Of course," said Large. "Bear or not, I'd always love you, no matter what."
    " But if I turned into a squishy bug, would you still love me and give me a hug?"
    " Of course," said Large. "Bug or not, I'd always love you, no matter what."
    " No matter what?" said Small with a smile. " What if I were a crocodile?"
    " I'd still hold you close and snug and tight, and tuck you up in bed each night."
    " But does love wear out? Does it break or bend? Can you fix it or patch it? Does it mend?"
    " With time together, a smile, and a kiss — love can be mended with things like this."
    " But what about when you're far away? Does your love go too, or does it stay?"
    " Look up at the stars. They're far, far away. But their light reaches us at the end of each day."
    " It's like that with love — we may be close, we may be far, but our love still surrounds us...wherever we are."



    1970-01-01   0赞       0踩       498浏览 评论(0)


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