• 胖胖亲子英语     胖胖双语故事61. 我和你

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    【Me and You】
    by Anthony Browne

    This is our house.
    There's Daddy Bear, Mummy Bear and me.

    One morning Mummy made porridge for breakfast, but it was too hot to eat.

    "Let's all go out for a gentle stroll in the park while it cools down," said Daddy. So we did.
    Daddy talked about his work and Mummy talked about her work. I just messed about.
    On the way back, Daddy talked about the car and Mummy talked about the house. I just messed about.
    When we got home, the front door was open.
    Daddy said that Mummy must have left it open, and Mummy said it must have been Daddy.
    I didn't say anything.
    Daddy saw his spoon sticking out of his porridge.
    "That's funny..."he said.
    Mummy saw her spoon."That's funny..."she said.
    Then I saw that bowl was empty."That's not funny," I said."Someone's eaten all my porridge."
    "Hang on a minute," said Daddy.
    "Someone's been sitting on my chair."
    "Someone's been sitting on MY chair!"said Mummy.
    "Someone's been sitting on my chair and they've BROKEN it!"I yelled.
    "We'd better take a look upstairs, " whispered Daddy." After you, Mummy."
    "Do be careful, dear," said Daddy.
    "Oh no," Daddy said." SOMEONE'S been in my bed!"
    "Oh!" shrieked Mummy. "Someone's been in MY bed!"
    "Someone's been in my bed," I said, "and they're STILL THERE!"
    The girl leaped out of bed, ran downstairs and out of the door.
    I wonder what happened to her?



    1970-01-01   1赞       0踩       464浏览 评论(0)


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