• 胖胖亲子英语     胖胖双语故事56. 我是大哥哥

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    【I am a Big Brother】

    Our new baby arrived today.
    I'm a big brother now, hooray!

    I used to be a little baby, too.
    But now I'm big!
    Look what I can do!

    I can help when baby feeds.
    And always find what baby needs.

    Dirty diaper, yuck! Let's see...
    Here's a clean one found by me!

    Mommy and Daddy say I'm clever
    and that I'm the best big brother ever!

    When we cuddle, the baby wriggles!
    Give a tickle-baby giggles!
    Splish-splash bath is lots of fun!
    Bubbles, washing, and then we're done!

    When baby sleeps, shhh, no noise.
    I quietly play with all my toys.

    But if baby wakes with cranky cries,
    I softly sing sweet lullabies.

    And as baby grows, we'll play together.
    Because I'm a big brother forever!

    Mommy, Daddy, baby, me.
    We love each other -a family!



    1970-01-01   0赞       0踩       472浏览 评论(0)


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