• 胖胖亲子英语     胖胖双语故事52. 曲奇饼干

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    【The Cookie】

    A cookie lies on the ground.
    “Yum! Yum! Cookie!” said all the ants.
    “My cookie!” said the mouse.

    The ants scuttled away.
    “I am bigger than you.”

    The rabbit said to the mouse.
    “So I will eat the cookie.”
    “See? I am bigger than you.”

    Along came the wolf.
    “Wait!” said the wolf.
    “I am bigger than you, so I will eat the cookie.”

    Along came the wild boar.
    “Wait!” said the wild boar.
    “I am bigger than you, so I will eat the cookie.”

    Along came the rhino.
    “I am bigger than you, so I will eat the cookie.”

    Just then, along came the elephant.
    “Wait! I am the biggest!” said the elephant.
    “No one is bigger than me, I will eat the cookie.
    Where is the cookie? ”
    said the elephant, and he trod on it.

    “This cookie is no good.” said the elephant.
    “It is all crumbs!”

    Then the elephant went away.
    Along came the ants.
    “Yum! Yum! Cookie!” said all the ants.

    All the animals were bigger than the ants.
    All the animals wanted the cookie.
    Who won?
    We are little.

    I am bigger than the ants.
    I am bigger than the mouse.
    I am bigger than the rabbit.
    I am bigger than the wolf.
    I am bigger than the wild boar.
    I am bigger than the rhino.
    I am the biggest.



    1970-01-01   0赞       0踩       806浏览 评论(2)


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