• 胖胖亲子英语     胖胖双语故事50. 魔法扫帚

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    【The Magic Broomsticks】

    The big magic broomstick and the little magic broomstick liked to have fun.

    One, two, three, change! 
    They changed into a big car and a small car.
    The cars went fast.
    Oh no! They were going into the sea!

    One, two, three, change! 
    They changed into a big boat and a small boat.
    The boats went fast.
    Oh no! The sea is too big!

    One, two, three, change!
    They changed into a big airplane and a small airplane.
    The airplanes flew over the town.
    Oh no! A storm!
    Rumble! Crack!

    One, two, three, change!
    They changed into a big umbrella and a small umbrella.
    The umbrellas saw some boots--two big boots and two little boots.

    The boots came closer and closer.
    The boots changed into a big witch and a little witch.
    "Good umbrellas!" said the witches.
    But then the sun came out.

    One, two, three, change!
    The umbrellas changed into a big broomstick and a small broomstick.



    1970-01-01   1赞       1踩       1494浏览 评论(3)


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