• 胖胖亲子英语     胖胖双语故事47. 爱干净的小公主

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    【The Tidy Princess】

    Here comes the tidy princess with her maid.
    The tidy princess points to her closet,
    "Put all the clothes together, all the shoes together,
    clothes with clothes, shoes with shoes, neat and tidy. "

    The tidy princess comes down the stairs.
    She says to the cook,
    "Tidy this kitchen at once.
    Bread with bread, and fruit with fruit, neat and tidy."

    The tidy princess comes down the hall.
    She says to the servant,
    "Tidy this Library, small books with small books,
    tall books with tall books, tidy and neat."

    The tidy princess is in the garden,
    she says to the gardener,
    "Put the plants in order, red flowers with red flowers,
    yellow flowers with yellow flowers, tall trees with tall trees,
    short trees with short trees, tidy and neat."

    "Here comes the tidy princess." the maid says,
    "Princess, may I tidy your play room?"
    "No." says the princess, "I like my playroom untidy. It's more fun that way."
    "Here comes the tidy queen." she screams, "what a mess you have made!"



    1970-01-01   0赞       0踩       1872浏览 评论(1)


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