• 斯密士     【斯密说:双语百科】EP30 地球百科:浩瀚宇宙,我们是有多幸运

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    What is the most powerful thing in the universe? The time. Time can heal the pain, time can smooth the memory, most of all, time can shape the world. 在浩瀚宇宙中,什么是最具有能量的东西?是时间。时间可以抚平伤痛,时间可以让回忆变得美好,最重要的是,时间创造了这一切。

    Our entire solar system formed from the debris of dead stars just like other stellar system forming today. There are at least 140 solar systems that had been observed today, and it doesn't seem that the formation process of our solar system is unique in any sense whatsoever.
    About 4.5 billion years ago, the cloud of stardust and gas that was to become our solar system began to spin. As the gravity pulled the material into the centre, it heated up. All of a sudden the young Sun ignited. The lighter gas was swept far out into the solar system, leaving heavier and rocky material near the Sun which soon condensed to form rocky planets: Mars furthest from the sun, then the earth, then Venus. At this stage, was there anything different from each other? The answer is not. They are actually very similar. They've all got an iron core, they've all got lighter silicate stuff floating on top. The earth has exactly the same components as the sun and all the other planets except one, we have a large satellite: the Moon.
    How Mars became a cold dead world, how Venus beneath a permanent cloud cover, developed a surface temperature of a molten lead and only on earth are the conditions right for life? Why should the earth have developed so differently from our planetary neighbors?

    4 bllion yeas ago, Mars was warm and wet just like Earth, but it changed later. The cloud was full of clouds of water vapour, from the clouds the rain fell, and streams and rivers formed eroding valleys. The volcanoes on Mars are huge and they grow and grow. They produces a lot of gases including carbon dioxide which get added to the atmosphere. And the carbon dioxide has a decisive effect on the planet's surface temperature. It's so called the green house gas acting like a thermal blanket keeping the plant warm. But today Mars is cold and dry, and there is no sign of running water, what happened? The rain picks up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and washes it into the lake and surface, and the carbon dioxide would have been replaced by the erupting of volcanoes, and it appeared that this volcanic activity was ceased. Mars is much smaller than Earth and its internal store of heat powering volcanoes was quickly reduced. The distance from the Sun is farther, and eventually the volcanic activity stopped and all of the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was removed by rains. 3 billion years ago, Mars entered a permanent Ice Age. Its water was locked up below the surface,and it remained frozen till this day.
    What about Venus which mysterious surface is covered with layer of clouds? It is the same size as earth, so it wouldn't cool down as the smaller Mars did. About three and a half billion years ago, Venus and Earth are not that different, their atmospheres are very similar at this point, but Venus is closer to the Sun and it's warmer. Instead of being a liquid on the surface, the water on Venus exist in the form of water vapour in the atmosphere. Meanwhile the volcanoes are all over the planet, they are pumping a lot of gas into the atmosphere: carbon dioxide. Together with water vapour, carbon dioxide keeps the heat of the Sun in, the surface begins to warm up and the climate became unstable. It was too hot and there is no rains, no rivers, no lakes no seas, no plate tectonics.

    By contrast what seems to make the earth so special is its extraordinary climatic stability over a long period of time. For example, there's been liquid water on the surface of the planet for nearly four billion years, and it's constantly changing. Earth's surface is made up of a few giant rocky plates, their edges marked by chains of volcanoes, mountain ranges and earthquakes, this system of geological change is called plate tectonics and it has a tremendous effect on maintaining earth's climatic stability. But keeping this astonishing system going over billions of years has required another surprising factor. The shifting orbits of other planets produce a fluctuating gravitational pull on the earth and make the Earth's own tilt shift. These shifts have a major influence on climate, and without the gravity of our satellite Moon to keep the earth's tilt within the narrow limits,these fluctuations could even cause catastrophe worse than any Ice Age. If the moon did go away, there may be no seasons on earth, or one hemisphere would stay light for months while the other dark for months. Every life exists on earth today is because of the protection of the Moon.

    Within the first billion years of Earth's history, life appeared in the oceans and began to affect the atmosphere and surface. And this may be the answer to our question, what makes our planet so special is the unique partnership between earth and all living things. The planet activity shapes life, but through the carbon cycle life plays a major role in maintaining earth activity. For example, some of the carbon dioxide come out of the volcanoes would be fixed in plants, if the plants are eaten, some of that carbon dioxide may be breathed out. Rain water may dissolve it, and it will be end up in the ocean, where living things may use it to make their shells. Shells may eventually form new rock deep on the ocean floor. From there it will, in time, be subducted, and perhaps 100 million years from now the carbon dioxide will be erupted again from a volcano to complete this remarkable cycle. For millions of years, this partnership controlled the level of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere, keeping the earth's climate in the narrow zone where water remains liquid neither freezing as on Mars, nor boiling away as on Venus. In turn, liquid water lubricated the motion of the plates, and of course without it, life would be impossible. So every part of this cycle is essential. Life to draw down carbon dioxide, the earth's activity to return it to the atmosphere, and water to keep the whole cycle running. Our world is not just a rock spinning in the universe, instead it's an intricate system where change to one part affect all the others. Everyone is part of this world, the places we go to, the views we see, the people and the animals and flowers and trees we are all familiar with are part of the destiny. And it maybe the explanation why I am telling you all this today.

    Please go outside and take a close look at the dirt we stand on, the sky we walk beneath, the air we are breathing, the planet we all live on, our ancient astonishing living home.



    Fun Facts Dictionary《冷辞海》
    1.Earth is the third planet from the Sun, the densest planet in the Solar System, the largest of the Solar System's four terrestrial planets, and the only astronomical object known to harbor life.

    2.Earth formed about 4.54 billion years ago. The Moon is the Earth's only permanent natural satellite; their gravitational interaction causes ocean tides, stabilizes the orientation of Earth's rotational axis, and gradually slows Earth's rotational rate.

    3.The sun will stop igniting in 5 billion years. 太阳将在50亿年以后熄灭。

    Smeeth over and out.

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