• 斯密士     【斯密说:双语百科】EP29 汉堡起源于中国?老外眼中的天朝美食

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》



    The Chinese Burger from Northwestern China
    Marinated meat in baked bun or the Chinese Burger, the traditional snack native to northwestern China, was not only popular with local folks but also welcomed by gourmets nationwide. Among them, “cured meat in baked bun” from Xi'an is the most famous one. Actually the name “Marinated Meat in baked bun” adopted the inverted sentence order of ancient Chinese language, meaning meat sandwiched between a baked bun.” In ancient times, people called the snack a name with opposite order, “baked buns containing marinated meat” instead of “marinated meat in baked bun”, which sounded in Chinese similar to “No meat contained” when one spoke fast - how could the snack be without meat? Thus the worries just turned the name into “marinated meat in baked bun”, a change that was made to everyone’s satisfaction.
    When the outlanders first heard about this snack, they would always wonder whether the order of characters of the name is inverted. But this kind of order is just the expression that was generally used in ancient times. Anyway regardless of the various expressions, snack itself remains delicious anyway.

    marinated ['mærɪnetɪd] 形容词,浸在。。中的
    opposite [ˈɑpəzɪt] 形容词,相反的
    inverted ['ɪnvɝtɪd] 形容词,颠倒的
    character ['kærəktə] 名词,汉字,性格

    Shanghai Cuisine - Rice Cake made from Sparerib
    Sparerib rice cake, a kind of moderately priced local cuisine indigenous to Shanghaiese, has come into being
    ever since 60 years ago. Now, two shops at Shanghai are best- known for making the Sparerib rice cakes, one being “Small Changzhou” while the other “Xian De Lai”.
    “Small Changzhou” uses the Sparerib of pigs comming from Changzhou and Wuxi as the raw material. The ribs are first pickled with soybean sauce, then quickly boiled in the pot containing mixture of oil, sugar, minced green onion, ginger and cooking wine, and finally well prepared when the Sparerib appear red violet. The well cooked Sparerib smell pleasant and taste splendid. At the same time cook the quality Song River Rice thoroughly and subject the rice to a repetition of hammer blow in a stone mortar until the rice is fully grinded. Then make the rice into rice cakes of standard size, each rolling inside a piece of boiled Sparerib before boiling the cakes in the pot containing soybean sauce and the oil. When the cooking of rice cakes finally finishes, take the cakes out of the pot and spared the special powder onto them so that the taste of pickled Sparerib soft rice cakes would blend to a particular fabulous taste.

    The “Xian De Lai” Sparerib rice cake adopts another approach for cooking: Firstly mix the flour, water chestnut starch and eggs together, wrap on surface of the Sparerib and quickly boiled the cakes in oil. The “Xian De Lai” sparerib rice cakes appear golden yellow and taste tender, and the surface is crispy and palatable while the meat is tasty and juicy. After that, add sweet fermented flour sauce and hot pepper sauce to the Song River Rice. Therefore, a delicious dish is ready.

    moderately ['mɒd(ə)rətlɪ]形容词,适度的
    indigenous [ɪn'dɪdʒənəs]形容词,本地的
    pickled ['pɪkld]形容词,研制的
    soy bean sauce 酱油
    minced green onion 剁碎的葱
    raw material 原材料
    splendid ['splɛndɪd]形容词,极好的
    repetition [repɪ'tɪʃ(ə)n]重复,反复
    grind [graɪnd]动词,磨碎
    approach [ə'prəʊtʃ]方法,方式



    Fun Facts Dictionary《冷辞海》
    1.北宋时期大多数老百姓没有在中午吃饭的习惯。秦汉以前,老百姓一直有一日两餐的习惯。 “死得早是不是跟这个有关?”

    2.在宋代,皇帝也是一日两餐。《宋会要辑稿·方域志》记载两宋帝王饮食习惯。上午八九点钟让御厨做一顿饭,下午五六点钟再让御厨做一顿饭,每天只有这两顿正餐。 “皇上求求您吃点午饭吧。”“朕不吃!朕要减肥!”

    Smeeth over and out.

    1970-01-01   0赞       0踩       154浏览 评论(0)
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