• 斯密士     【斯密说:双语百科】EP28 美帝人民假期去哪嗨?

    • Just for Fun

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    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》



    继东海岸纽约,西海岸洛城后,本期有声百科《斯密说》带你进入美利坚内陆的娱乐大都会- 拉斯维加斯。


    Las Vegas, officially the City of Las Vegas and often known as simply Vegas, is a city in the United States, the most populous city in the state of Nevada, the county seat of Clark County, and the city proper of the Las Vegas Valley. Las Vegas comes from Spanish which means ‘fertile grassland’. There used to be a vast desolate desert in which Vegas is the only oasis with springs. At the time when the whole nation started to build railroads throughout the country, this place became the hub and transfer station for gold diggers to wait and to lead a befuddled life. Now Las Vegas has become an internationally renowned major resort city known primarily for gambling, shopping, fine dining, and nightlife and is the leading financial, commercial, and cultural center for Southern Nevada. Maybe you haven't heard of the other nicknames of the city, for starters, ‘The Entertainment Capital of the World’ and ‘The City of Wedding’, in which located nine out of ten world's biggest resort hotels. This small ‘city of sins’ somewhere in Nevada is no longer the tiny village it was one hundred years ago, but instead, transforms into a huge resort metropolis.
    拉斯维加斯市,简称维加斯,是位于美国内华达州人口最大的城市,克拉克郡政府所在地,四周被拉斯维加斯大峡谷包围。Las Vegas 来自西班牙语,意思是:“肥沃的青草地”。这里过去曾是荒凉的的戈壁沙漠,只有拉斯维加斯是以前有泉水的绿洲。在美国大兴铁路的时候,这里逐渐成了驿站与交通中转站,各地淘金客来这里歇脚,等待,醉生梦死。时至今日,维加斯已是世界上的主要旅游城市之一,以其赌博业,购物,高级餐饮以及夜生活闻名于世,它还是南内华达地区的金融,商务与文化中心。也许你并不知道,这里被称为“世界娱乐之都”和“结婚之都”的美称,世界上十家最大的度假旅馆就有九家是在这里。内华达州这个曾经被人讽刺为“罪恶之城”的赌城,从一百年前的小村庄变成了一个巨型旅游城市。

    Las Vegas is the 29th-most populous city in the United States, with a population of 603,488 at 2013. The city is one of the top three leading destinations in the United States for conventions, business, and meetings. Also it is in a basin on the floor of the Mojave Desert and is surrounded by mountain ranges on all sides. Much of the landscape is rocky and arid with desert vegetation and wildlife. The peaks surrounding Las Vegas reach elevations of over 3,000m, and act as barriers to the strong flow of moisture from the surrounding area. A bit of bad ass kind of view for a business trip eh?

    Well, I really like sun shines, and I also like to hangout with people, so I always have to choose the city I'd like to move in for whether there's plenty of sunshine or if there are many people and developed and open. Las Vegas' seems like a good choice of visiting if the American people do not be stupid enough to go to war, and unlikely as it may be. The climate there is a subtropical, hot desert climate, typical of the Mojave Desert in which it lies. The city enjoys abundant sunshine year-round, it has an average of about 310 sunny days per year. It is virtually free of tornadoes and ice storms.

    The summer months of June through September are very hot and mostly dry, with a July daily average temperature of 33.6°C, while nighttime temperatures often remain above 27°C. Humidity is very low, often under 10%. The winters are short and the season is generally mild. December, the coolest month, averages 8.7°C. The mountains surrounding Las Vegas accumulate snow during the winter, but snow is rare in the Las Vegas Valley itself. Annual precipitation on average falls 26–27 days per year. Most of the precipitation falls in the winter, but even the wettest month (February) has on average only four days of precipitation.

    Shimmering from the desert haze of Nevada, Las Vegas is the most dynamic, spectacular city on earth. At the start of the twentieth century, it didn’t even exist; now it's home to two million people, and boasts nineteen of the world's twenty-five largest hotels, whose no-expense-spared casinos lure in thirty-seven million tourists each year. Las Vegas has been stockpiling superlatives since the 1950s. Although Las Vegas is an unmissable destination, it's one that palls for most visitors after a couple of days. If you've come for gambling, there's not much to say beyond the fact that all the casinos are free, and open for 24 hours per day.

    Arguably the most popular table game in Las Vegas, is the blackjack. Blackjack, also known as twenty-one, is also the most widely played casino game in the world. The player or players are dealt a two-card hand and add together the value of their cards. Face cards (kings, queens, and jacks) are counted as ten points. A player and the dealer can count an ace as 1 point or 11 points. All other cards are counted as the numeric value shown on the card. After receiving their first two cards, players have the option of getting a "hit", that means to take an additional card. The objective of the game is to beat the dealer in one of the following ways:

    1. Get 21 points on the player's first two cards (called a "blackjack" ), without a dealer blackjack;
    2. Reach a final score higher than the dealer without exceeding 21;
    3. Let the dealer draw additional cards until his or her hand exceeds 21.

    事实证明“黑杰克”是维加斯最受欢迎的桌游。所谓黑杰克就是大名鼎鼎的21点,也是世界上最受欢迎的赌场游戏。玩家们一开始有两张手牌,你得将牌面数字相加得到一个新的数字。脸谱牌比如K、Q、J 和 10 牌都算作 10 点,玩家与庄家都可以把A当成1点或者11点,其余所有2 至9 牌均按其原面值计算。开始两站牌发完后,玩家可以继续要牌。游戏的目标就是用下下三种方法赢庄家:
    1. 刚开始发的两张牌就能“黑杰克”(表示两牌点数相加正好是21点),而庄家却没有“黑杰克”;
    2. 最终点数比庄家大但是未超过21点;
    3. 庄家手上的牌点数相加大于21点。

    If you happen to be a newbie that you come to the casino for the first time, Roulette is probably the best choice for you. It is deceptively simple and my guess is that the spinning ball's hypnotic power helps soothe the nerves of the newbie gambler. It might not be the game with the best odds out of the various Vegas casino games, roulette remains popular for its easy play and low stress approach.

    Fun Facts Dictionary《冷辞海》
    “好久不见”翻译为英文是“long time no see”,这是标准翻译,可不是中式英语。



    Smeeth over and out.

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