• 斯密士     【斯密说:双语百科】EP26 你跟小伙伴有多铁?

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    Do your friends back you up?

    We all have friends, and we all need friends, but no friend is made just for you, so there might be misunderstandings when you get along. Let's see what would your friends do If you were in one of theses situations, and find out how good a friend you have.

    1. Your two best friends get tickets to your favorite band's concert....but it's the same day as your birthday party! What would they do?

    A. They ask you to reschedule your party. They are more willing to go to the concert!
    B. Come over right after the concert, just in time to sing “Happy Birthday!”
    C. Surprise you with tickets. They’ve been planning this with your mom for months!
    A. 让你把生日聚会改时间,都搞到票了,他们更想去演唱会。
    B. 演唱会一结束就立马杀过来给你庆生,唱生日歌可不能错过。
    C. 用演唱会的门票给你个惊喜,他们其实跟你老妈几个月前就计划好这一出了!

    2. You worked with two friends on a project your teacher gave you....but he doesn't seem to think that you did the share of the work. Do your friends help clear things up?

    A. Nope, you are on your own. They're acting like you are not working together at all, even though you could get into serious trouble!
    B. Only after you ask for a few times. You did a lot of the work and the least they can do is to stand up and prove it.
    C. Yes! The three of you meet the teacher immediately after class and go over who did what.
    A. 够呛,你估计得要孤军奋战了。你挺麻烦,他两倒好,像没事人一样!
    B. 求了几次它们才愿意出面,做项目的时候你倒是没少出力,至少他们可以做这个证。
    C. 必须的!下课后你们三人立马找到了老师,把每个人的分工都向老师解释清楚。

    3. During your basketball game, a classmate starts making mean comments and teasing you from sidelines. What would your friends do:

    A. They'd turn being mean into a team sport and laugh along with him... at you!
    B. They'd try telling him to stop. But of course he doesn't. They tried, thanks for playing anyway.
    C. They'd cheer for you so loudly, and they completely drown him off.
    A. 也不知道是太熟了还是怎么滴,他们跟着那人一起来嘲笑起哄。
    B. 出面制止,虽然那人是不会这么轻易就停下的。不过至少朋友是劝了,重在参与嘛!
    C. 使劲为你呐喊加油,从气势上就让那人闭嘴了。

    4. You try out a new girly style rather than your usual T-shirts and tennis shoes. When you show up at school wearing a fab new skirt-and- UGG combo, your friends:

    A. Break into hysterical laughter! They keep asking your name all day- they've obviously never met this “new” you.
    B. Are completely shocked. They had no idea this was coming and aren't quite sure what they think of it!
    C. Can't stop raving about how amazing you look! They've been encouraging you to try it for a while now!
    A. 一阵狂笑!一整天她们都在问你怎么了是不是受刺激吃错药了。显然她们是很不“习惯”一个全新的你的。
    B. 装作若无其事也许是因为惊呆ing,她们没料到你会这样穿,也不知道如何评论你的转型。
    C. 不停夸你!她们也是劝了你很久尝试新的风格的!

    5. You overhear you BFF talking with a classmate, who says something about you that's not only hurtful....it's completely false! Your BFF:

    A. Knows for a fact it's untrue..but still doesn't say anything.
    B. Says “I doubt it” and laugh it off, but doesn't exactly stick up for you.
    C. Launches into a full-on speech, defending you as if himself was offended!
    A. 明知道那人在胡说,但是什么也没说。
    B. 说:“我看不像真的”,但是没有为你说话。
    C. 义正言辞的反击,别人这样说你就是在冒犯他!

    Answer Key
    Mostly A's - you call that a frieeeeend??? HE HE DA! 选A最多:你那也叫朋友?呵呵哒!
    Your friends have a lot to learn when it comes to loyalty! True friends support you in good times and bad and encourage you to be your best. Talk to them and give them a chance to change. And if they still continue to let you down, I really suggest you start looking for new friends who will love and appreciate the real you. Well I met friends like that once, and it turned out some people they just won't stand up for anyone, so the sooner you cut them loos, the better, no hard feelings and find new friends like SMEETH!

    Mostly B's - Halfway there 选B最多:还算靠谱
    Your friends mean well..but no one is perfect, and sometimes they fall short. Maybe they forget to consider your feelings, or maybe they are just not sure how to handle a difficult situation. Help them out by telling them when you need support or they're hurting your feelings. You should be able to count on them just as they can count on you!

    Mostly C's - Oh my God what more do you expect? 选C最多:我去!人生何求?
    Congratulations! Now you have one gift that many people don't- a real friendship. Your buddies love you for you! You know they'll always be by your side and have your back, even in the most stressful situations. Friends like this can be hard to find, so don't take them for granted. Be just as thoughtful and sensitive to them as they are to you. Friends like these are friends for life! One of us one of us!


    Fun Facts Dictionary《冷辞海》

    Smeeth over and out.

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