• 斯密士     【斯密说:双语百科】EP24 你们要的飞机广播语来了!!

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》



    “Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Beijing Capital International Airport. Flight SMA224 from New York is now arriving, thank you very much! ”

    First when you arrive in the waiting hall in an airport, these are things you will probably hear:

    Attention please! Smeeth Air Line Flight 225 is now boarding, please bring your boarding pass and check in at gate 5A. 请注意!斯密航空225号航班开始登机,请带好您的登机牌,在登机口5A登机。

    It means time to board, garb your ticket and luggage and find the right way. 听到这个时候表示你得拿着机票跟行李出发啦!

    Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please! We regret to announce that Flight South Jet 227 has been postponed due to the poor weather/ maintenance of airport/ air traffic congestion. This flight has been rescheduled to tomorrow at 1:45pm. 女士们先生们,请注意!很遗憾地通知您南方航空227号航班因为恶劣天气/机场维护/空中交通管制的原因推迟至明日下午1点45分。

    Opps, there's nothing worse than a flight delay or postpone! 哎!还有比航班延误更坑人的事么?

    When you have successfully boarded the plane, first the whole crew will greet you, and later the flight attendants will give you safety instructions about how to use emergency equipment. I'd listen carefully because it may save your life. 当你成功登机后,首先全体机组人员会向你问好,接下来演示的安全须知与求生设备的使用是很重要的!我要是你,我会仔细听,因为关键时刻这些知识可能救了你的命!

    Pay attention to the couple of things you shouldn't use on a plane. 尤其要注意哪些东西飞机上禁止使用。

    Good morning ladies and gentlemen! Welcome aboard Smeeth Airline Flight 225 from Shanghai to New York. The distance is about 11817 kilometers, and the flight will take about 14 hours and 15 minutes. We will be flying at an altitude of 15000 meters. Please make sure all electronic devices such as mobile phones, portable computers, radios must be turned off. You are reminded that smoking is not permitted in any area at any time during our flight. We serve dinner and snacks during the flight, hot and cold drinks are also available in the cafeteria. The chief attendant with all your crew members will be sincerely at your service. Please sit back and relax, and enjoy the flight. Thank you. 早上好女士们先生们,欢迎乘坐从上海飞往纽约的斯密航空225号航班。本次航程11870千米,预计用时为14小时15分钟。我们的飞机将飞行在海拔15000米的高度。请确保您的电子设备如手机,移动电脑,收音机等全部处于关闭状态。任何时间内在飞机的任何区域上吸烟都是不允许的。在飞行过程中我们会提供正餐与零食,有需要冷饮热饮的乘客请前往餐厅。乘务长与全体机组人员竭诚为您服务。请您坐好放松,祝您旅行愉快,谢谢!

    Now the emergency instructions.Very Important! 接下来是安全须知,重要!
    Seat belt:安全带:

    Ladies and gentlemen, now we request your full attentions. The flight attendants demonstrate the safety features of this aircraft. To fasten your seat belt, simply place the metal tip into the buckle and tighten the strap. To release, just lift up the top of the buckle. 女士们先生们,请您注意,乘务员开始介绍安全知识。系安全带时,把金属片塞入锁扣,拉紧带子即可。解开时将金属扣向外打开。

    Oxygen mask& Life vest: If air pressure drops within the cabin, I'm just saying, if things like that happened, this instruction would be very helpful: 氧气罩与救生衣:如机舱内的气压降低,我是说万一发生,下面的广播会很有用滴:

    Your oxygen mask is above your head. It will drop down automatically in case of emergency. Place your the mask over your nose and mouth and slip the elastic band over your head. 氧气面罩储藏在您座椅上方,发生紧急情况时,面罩会自动脱落。

    If the plane force lands on water, you may need to wear a life vest before you exit the plane: 要是飞机迫降水面,你就得要穿上救生衣再撤离飞机。

    Upon exiting the aircraft, pull the tabs down firmly to inflate your vest while inside the cabin. For further inflation, simply blow into the mouth pieces in either side of your vest. 当您离开飞机前,拉动救生衣两侧充气手柄,充气不足时,请拉出救生衣上部的充气管,用嘴向里充气。



    Now be aware that when emergency happens, the cabin may go out of lights, so the exits directions are important. Just..... don't stare at the flight attendants when they demonstrate. 当一些紧急情况发生时,机场内可能会处于黑暗状态,所以关键的一点就是你得知道出口的位置,这个很重要。反正。。。你别盯着人家空姐,眼睛都看直了,仔细听人家的讲解!

    There are three emergency exits on this aircraft. They are located in the front, the middle and the rear of the cabin respectively. In case of an emergency, track lighting will illuminate to lead you to an exit. White lights lead to red lights which indicate the nearest exit. 本架飞机上设有三个紧急出口,分别位于机舱的前部,中部和后部。在紧急情况下,客舱内所有红色出口指示灯和白色通道指示灯会自动亮起,指引您从最近的出口撤离。

    Yeah one more thing, minor shaking of the airplane is also common and may happen a few times during the flight, don't panic, not a big deal! 对了,还有一件事。一些飞行过程中小的机身震动是比较常见的,也许会出现个一两次,别害怕,这是正常现象,没啥大不了的!(飞机越小越容易受到乱流影响,若你不小心看到机翼在剧烈抖动,不要惊慌,你就祈祷飞机不是俄国人造的就好了…)

    Ladies and gentlemen, we are now crossing a zone of turbulence. For your safety, please remain seated and make sure your seat belt has been securely fastened until the fasten seat belt signs go off. 我们现在进入乱流区域,为了您的安全,请确保您的安全带扣好,系紧。在“系好安全带”指示灯熄灭前,请不要离开座位。

    And the bracing for impact position, with the wrong position even a minor impact may inflict series injuries on you!防冲击姿势一般有两种,很重要,因为在错误的姿势下轻微的碰撞都能造成很大的伤害!

    Put your legs apart, place your feet flat on the floor. Cross your arms like this. Lean forward as far as possible, and hold the seat back in front of you, rest your face on your arms. 两脚分开用力蹬地,手臂交叉抓住前方椅背,收紧下颚,头放在两臂之间。
    Cross your hand and above your head, then bend over, keep your head down, stay down. 双手虎口交叉置于脑后,低头俯身。
    When you hear “Brace! Brace!” take the position, and keep this position until you hear “open your seat belt!” 当你听到“brace! Brace!”指令时,采取这种姿势,直到您听到“解开安全带”为止。

    You got all of that? Don't worry, these are just for emergencies. Anyway traveling by airplane is the most secure and enjoyable experience in the world. Just like what they say, sit back and relax, listen to Smeeth talk show or read a book or just take a nap, Bon voyage! 都听懂了没有?没关系,憋紧张,这都是防患于未然的安全须知而已,飞行旅行其实是世界上最安全最惬意的一种体验。你就按空姐说的“坐好放松”就好,听听《斯密说》,看本书,实在不行直接睡一觉!一路顺风!
    Fun Facts Dictionary



    Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to New York Kennedy International Airport. Local time is 2:05 pm and the temperature is 23 degrees Celsius. For your safety, please remain seated with your seat belt fastened until we have safely landed. On behalf of Smeeth Airlines and the entire crew, I'd like to thank you for joining us on this trip and we are looking forward to seeing you on board again in the near future. This is Captain Tommy, have a nice trip. Oh yeah! 女士们先生们,欢迎来到纽约肯尼迪国际机场。当地时间为下午2点05分,气温为23摄氏度。为了安全起见,请在飞机完全着陆前保持安全带紧扣。我代表斯密航空与全体机组人员感谢您与我们一起飞行,并且真诚地希望在下一次飞行中继续为您服务。我是机长汤米,祝您旅行愉快。药药切克闹!

    Smeeth over and out.

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