• 斯密士     【斯密说:双语百科】EP23 德系三厂哪家强?

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》



    “What are you waiting for? They come with the manual ~~ for free!”

    Compared to more flexible and lighter Japanese cars designed for urban driving, German cars have more matured technologies. With very solid body, smooth and stable chassis, excellent engine and all kinds of advanced technologies, German cars are better driven on highways. Audi, BMW, Benz they are all good, no doubt, but what is the strong suit for each brand?


    名词解析:很多朋友会误认为SUV就代表越野车,其实SUV表示的是Sports Utility Vehicle多功能运动汽车。这种车只是在轿车的平台上略微增加了底盘高度与车身高度,兼顾轿车舒适性与速度的同时略微增加了坑洼地形通过性能。所以如果你是专业越野爱好者,喜欢穿越崎岖山路带来的快乐,最好还是准备一台专业级别的越野车吧!

    Advancement Through Technology - Audi

    The origins of the company are complex, going back to the early 20th century. The name is based on the Latin translation of the surname of the founder, August Horch. "Horch" means "listen" in German, which becomes "Audi" in Latin. The four rings of the Audi logo each represent one of four car companies that banded together to create Audi's predecessor company, Auto Union.
    奥迪公司的起源比较复杂,可以追溯到20世纪早期。奥迪名字来自创始人姓氏的拉丁语名August Horch。Horch在德语里的意思为“聆听”,翻译成拉丁语就是Audi了。奥迪四环中的每一环都表示了创始奥迪前身“汽车联盟”的一家公司。

    The modern era of Audi essentially began in the 1960s when Auto Union was acquired by Volkswagen. After relaunching the Audi brand with the 1965 introduction of the Audi F103 series, Volkswagen merged Auto Union , thus creating the present day form of the company.

    Audi is famous for its modern body design and gorgeous LED auto lamps. Daytime running lights aka. DRL is the feature you will not forget when you lay eyes on an Audi. The distinctive shape of the DRLs has always been the trademark of Audi cars. Beginning in 2005, Audi has implemented white LED technology as daytime running lights (DRL) in their products. LEDs were first introduced on the Audi A8 W12, the world's first production car to have LED DRLs, and have spread throughout the entire model range ever since.

    There are plenty of models available from A1- A8, Q3-Q7 with the cost from 200000 to 2000000RMB, so you have variety of choices when you are going to purchase an Audi. 从A1到A8,Q3到Q7,价格从20万到200万人民币不等,奥迪提供的车型可谓琳琅满目,总有一款奥迪会适合你。
    They have: 奥迪提供:

    A1 the 3 door hatchback supermini
    A3 the compact 3 or 5-door hatchback and the sedan
    A4 the most popular sedan for successful youngsters
    奥迪A4 最受年轻人欢迎的中小型轿车
    A5 the quattro sportback coupés or convertible
    A6 the sedan wagon which is the perfect choice for families or business
    A7 the advanced quattro 5 door sportback
    A8 the flagship full-size luxury sedan

    If you are tired of regular sedans, they also have: 如果你不喜欢传统的轿车那也没关系:

    TT the compact sports coupé and convertible roadster
    Q3 the compact sports utility vehicle (aka.SUV)
    Q5 the high end SUV
    Q7 the Luxury SUV and crossover vehicle


    Sheer Driving Pleasure - BMW
    追风血统- BMW宝马

    That’s right, if your ride happens to be a BMW, that’s means you may be able to have more fun behind the wheel! The car is designed for extreme driving experiencing. With an incredibly powerful turbocharged six-cylinder engine and sport set-up chassis, you can go anywhere you want to with a little time without the risk of losing control on the highway. But try not to go above the speed limit OK?

    BMW stands for the initials of Bayerische Motoren Werke which is the German for Bavarian Motor Works, usually known under its abbreviation BMW, is a German luxury vehicle, motorcycle, and engine manufacturing company founded in 1916.
    BMW是德语Bayerische Motoren Werke的首字母缩写,意思是“巴伐利亚发动机车间”。它制造出的汽车,摩托车还有引擎,整体比较高端豪华。

    BMW also have many series that is most likely going to meet all your need for vehicles. The cost may range from 240000 to 2000000RMB. 宝马一样有很多车型提供选择,价格从24万至200万人民币不等。

    1 Series, the originally launched in 2004, is BMW's smallest car.
    3 Series, the compact executive car manufactured since model year 1975, is currently in its sixth generation; models include the sports sedan and station wagon starting with the current generation.
    3 Series coupe and convertible are now branded as 4 Series.
    5 Series is a mid-size executive car, available in sedan and station wagon forms.
    BMW's full-size flagship executive sedan is the 7 Series. Typically, BMW introduces many of their innovations in the 7 Series, such as the iDrive system. With a larger body, 7 series is no longer only a sheer driving machine, because you feel more comfortable siting at the backseats and travel.

    BMW X Series X here means BMW SUVs.
    The X3 Marketed in Europe as an off roader, it benefits from BMW's xDrive all-wheel drive system.
    The all-wheel drive X5 was BMW's crossover SUV based on the 5-Series, and is a mid-size luxury SUV.
    X6 is marketed as a "Sports Activity Coupé" (SAC). X6则定位为“运动双门多功能车”

    Also, BMW produce a number of high-performance derivatives of their cars which are called M models, fast enough, but fairly expensive. 另外宝马高端的极致性能车就是大名鼎鼎的是带“M”的M系列了。快是快,确实。。。。很贵啊!(这辈子跟它们无缘了, 我只能安慰自己,高速公路限速120,再好的车也跑不快哈哈)


    The Best Or Nothing - Mercedes-Benz
    无懈追求 - 奔驰

    Mercedes-Benz is the the name combined with two companies, Daimler Mercedes and C. Benz Sons. It is the inventor of modern automobiles, because the founders Daimler and Karl Benz's 1886 automobile, is widely regarded as the first gasoline powered automobile. Mercedes-Benz is one of the most recognized automotive brands worldwide.
    Mercedes-Benz has the longest automobile manufacturing history and the most matured technologies among the three brands. If you are the “Boss” kind of guy or a successful business man, this one may be your favorite. Of course there are also sport car models in Mercedes Benz, the most famous of which is called the AMG models. You wear black suit, you look old and strong, but still you can move really really fast.

    Current Model Range 当前出售车型
    Mercedes-Benz offers the largest range of passenger, light commercial and heavy commercial equipment among these three brands, and believe it or not though, the Smart also has something to do with BENZ! If you have Benz on your shopping list, then you have to understand what those letters before the numbers mean. In general, S is better than E which is better than C which is better than B which is better than A. 梅在这三个品牌中,赛德斯奔驰提供了最广泛的运动,旅行与商务乘坐方案(用不装X的话说就是车型选择很多),连小巧玲珑Smart都跟奔驰有不小关系。选择买车前得先弄明白那么多型号上的字母代表什么意思。总的来说S比E好,E比C好,C比B好,B比A好(综合性能与技术)。

    A-Class – entry level hatchback 奔驰A级- 入门级两厢车
    B-Class – multi purpose vehicle (MPV) 奔驰B级- 多功能车辆MPV
    C-Class – saloon, coupé and cabriolet 奔驰C级- 运动轿车/双门轿跑车/敞篷跑车
    CLA-Class&CLS-Class– 4 door coupé CLA与CLS级 - 高性能四门轿跑车
    E-Class – saloon, coupé and cabriolet 奔驰E级- 轿车/运动轿车/双门轿跑车/敞篷跑车
    G-Class – ultimate crossover machine 奔驰G级- 终极全地形越野大杀器(纳粹装甲车的造型,200万上下的价格,你买的不是车是移动碉堡。下次我开个公司就把办公室放里面。)
    GLA-Class – compact sports utility vehicle (SUV) GLA级- 紧凑型城市运动SUV
    GLC-Class &GLE-Class– sports utility vehicle (SUV) GLC与GLE级 运动型SUV
    GLS-Class – large sports utility vehicle (SUV) GLS级- 大型运动SUV
    S-Class – luxury saloon, coupé & cabriolet 奔驰S级- 豪华轿车/运动轿车/双门轿跑车/敞篷车
    SL-Class &SLK-Class – convertible roadster SL与SLK级- 高端软顶棚跑车(车顶可收缩)
    All AMG Models– sports car/ super car 所有AMG车型- 跑车/超级跑车

    如果你上奔驰官网查看它的汽车,你会经常看到一句话:“作为汽车的发明者。。。梅赛德斯奔驰Blah Blah Blah。。”没错,奔驰是三家里历史最悠久,技术最成熟,品牌最可靠的汽车制造商了。奔驰向来比较重视乘坐感受,肃穆的内饰氛围,顶级的车载音响,静谧的宽敞座舱,让你走到哪都有当“大哥”,或者“大哥的女人”的感受哈!如果你是沉稳大气,或者端庄贤惠的人,奔驰与你的气场更加匹配!

    Smeeth over and out.

    1970-01-01   0赞       0踩       30浏览 评论(0)
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