• 斯密士     【斯密说:双语百科】EP19 我把电冰箱搞短路了,正好发明了微波炉

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    Accidents Happen, Inventions Follow
    Accidents happen all the time. Sometimes accidents are totally embarrassing. But other times they lead to something awesome. Check out three fortunate mistakes by your Fun Fact expert Smeeth.

    The Invention: Microwave oven
    “Opps I did it again!” Moment: Accidentally melting a chocolate in a pocket
    Percy Spencer wasn't trying to find a quick way to cook food. It was the 1940s, and he was experimenting with radar - radio waves used to detect objects. But as he walked around the lab, he happen to step in front of a magnetron - a device in radar sets that makes short electron magnetic waves called microwaves. Spencer didn't think much of it until he reached into his pocket to take out a chocolate bar and found a gooey mess.
    We now understand why that happened. Microwaves excite water molecules in food. This causes the molecules to vibrate and give off heat generated by internal friction. But Spencer had to find that out for himself. First he aimed a beam of microwaves at some cores of popping corn. The cores burst, with popcorn flying everywhere. Spencer then zapped in the face of one of his lab partners. All this proved that microwaves could heat food superfast and it does that from the inside. This discovery led to the first microwave oven- an enormous 750 pound gadget about a size of a refrigerator. Just imagine trying to put that on the kitchen counter.
    主人公玻西·斯宾塞当时并不是在研究怎么快速烹饪。上世纪四十年代,他正在用侦测物体的无线电雷达做实验,你在实验室正巧从一根电子磁控管前面走过:雷达正是用这根管子发射短波无线电波。他当时并未在意,后来伸手进口袋拿巧克力时,发现了一团黏糊糊的东西。(- - 我估计他伸手的一瞬间一定大叫了一声。。)

    The invention: Durable rubber
    “Opps I did it again!” Moment: A temper tantrum
    First do yourself a favor, check out the markings on a tire from vehicles, any vehicles! You will find this name Goodyear on may of those tires. The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company is an American multinational tire manufacturing company founded in 1898, after the name Charles Goodyear, inventor of vulcanized rubber.
    A rubber craze hit the the United States in the early 1800s. Trouble was, these objects would melt into a sticky pile of goo in heat and crack in the cold. Charles Goodyear was determined to figure out how to turn natural rubber into a material that could stand up to extreme heat and cold.
    In 1839, after years of experiment, Goodyear had a new plan: add sulfur to rubber to change its properties. He went down to the local general store with a sample of this new rubber mixture, but people there laughed at what they figured was just a nutty idea about the rubber.
    Goodyear got pretty mad and waved his hands as he shouted. The rubber flew out of his hands and landed on a hot stove. When he went to pry it off, he expected a sticky clump. Instead he found a substance that was hard like leather but still elastic- vulcanized rubber similar to what we use today to make everything from waterproof boots to bicycle tires. His temper accidentally found the key to a great discovery: by adding heat to his new mixture of rubber and sulfur, he created rubber that was elastic, strong, and stable.

    The invention: Artificial sweetener
    “Opps I did it again!” Moment: Dirty hands
    Everybody likes sweet treat. But sugar can’t be too much of a good thing. That’s why a lot of good foods - from soda pop to cereal - contain artificial sweeteners. The first one was actually a tasty surprise.
    In the late 1870s, Constantin Fahlberg was hard at work in his lab when a beaker of chemicals accidentally tipped over. He cleared away the mess but the harmless chemicals spilled all over his hands. Without pausing to wash, Fahlberg went on with his work. When he went home to eat, the chemical residue was still on his fingers. Sitting down at the table with his dirty hands, Fahlberg began to eat. When he bit into a piece of bread he'd picked up, it tasted strangely sweet. It wasn't the bread. It was something on his hands that got into the bread. What exactly was that? Fahlberg rushed back to the lab, and licked and tasted everything in sight. ( Not exactly the smartest idea in a lab). But the chemist found what he was looking for: the substance in a beaker that had spilled was sweet. And much sweeter than sugar. He named his discovery saccharin, the first artificial sweetener ever in human history. Dirty? Yummy!

    What can we apply from these stories?
    If these inventions show us anything, it's that we all make mistake - and that's not always a bad thing.
    Mistakes often take us in new directions - and help us learn new things. People who say something is impossible ain't always right. A lot of things were impossible before someone figured out how to make it real, and people don't believe a lot of things could happen before they did, I mean like a hundred years ago people didn't believe in sitting at home listen to people from the other side on the planet speak real time, but now it's really happening.
    A sincere advice from Smeeth right here: whatever you are doing, if you don't succeed right away, don't be afraid and give it up, just try again and again and again.



    Smeeth over and out.

    1970-01-01   0赞       0踩       13浏览 评论(0)
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