• 斯密士     【斯密说:双语百科】EP18 在美国喝酒那些事儿

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》



    Why do people drink? Because when you drink you feel happy. When you feel happy you want to make friends. When you have friends, you want to drink with them. When you drink with friends, you don't look at your cellphone. When you don't look at your cellphone, your girlfriend is not happy. When your girl friend is not happy, you are not happy. So you need another drink. Basically the reason you drink is because you have to.

    A champagne toast is a tradition at every wedding. Poured wine is served during the Christian Communion and represents the blood of Christ. Alcohol has been considered a social lubricant since the day it appeared on earth, and now it is not only part of most social activities, but also it has become a tradition over the centuries. I think the name alcohol is associated with another: “good time”.

    The consumption and appreciation of wine among Americans has gradually given rise to a distinctively American's wine culture. People like to engage in ceremonies or celebrate festivals and good things with friends by drinking alcohol. Check out the American TV series and movies, you'll find out the fact that they love wines as much as we do. But Chinese drinking culture is different from that of American. For example, in China urging your friend to drink is an act of showing hospitality, but in America this is considered extremely rude and may cause discontent. So in the States, you drink your own bottle, and enjoy talking to people around you.

    But did you know from January 1920 to February 1933, drinking alcohol in the States was an act of crime? With all its negative effects on society, alcohol must be strictly regulated, it is controlled by government's specific law's regulations and taxes. In the year 1920 the government attempted to ban alcohol through what we know today, the prohibition.

    Being one of the most developed, open country and “the nation on the wheels”, United States has the strictest regulations and controls on the wine industry. From production to management and to consumption, there are laws and rules applied to every step. Restaurants and bars and stores can only sell alcoholic beverages with a special license.

    Laws of many states prohibit drinking in public, so you can only drink non alcoholic beverage in a park when you are having a picnic with friends. Even opening a wine bottle in public is considered an illegal act, whether the bottle is empty or not.

    New Jersey state law is even stricter, it permits drinking inside any automobile. If you are found possessing a wine bottle that has been uncapped in a car, you will be fined 200 dollars and 10 days of community service.

    You can only find beer commercials in the States, never an advertisement of wine and strong liquer. If you want to drink or buy alcohol, you have to be older than 21 years old. The shop owner would ask you to show him some ID such as social security card, or driver’s license. So that's a no-no for teenagers under 21 who pretend to be old enough to buy alcohol or enter a bar.

    American stores are not allowed to sell alcohols after 11 o'clock in the evening from Monday to Saturday, and Sunday all day. People are also not allowed to drink during working hours, so you can hardly see people drinking alcohol at lunch because lunch time is also working hours. Pretty strict huh?

    “Give me another shot!”
    That means give me a shot of shooter. So what's a shooter? A shooter is an alcoholic mixed drink that contains 30 millilitres of two or more spirits. They are generally drunk quickly, so you don't sip, you gulp.
    shots 这种东西中文应该翻译成什么呢?就是那种一小盅30毫升的高度数酒,一般都是调过的(加州一般是龙舌兰酒,东岸可能比较流行波本或者威士忌)。喝shot酒的正确方法不是小口抿,而是一口干,它的作用就是为了让你赶紧上头的。

    “I am so wasted.”
    That means you are too drunk to go home buy yourself, or you are only saying that because you are afraid to go back to your empty house alone. When you are slightly drunk, you say I'm feeling tipsy, tipsy here means a little dizzy.

    “Yo man, what's happening? I called you this morning and you didn't pick up. Were you drinking last night?
    Shit man it was pretty messed up, I'm still having a hangover.
    I'm still having a hangover."

    A hangover is a fairly unpleasant experience after you were pretty drunk the night before. which can last for more than 24 hours. Typical symptoms of a hangover may include headache, concentration problems, dry mouth, dizziness, fatigue and so on.

    Smeeth over and out.

    1970-01-01   0赞       0踩       35浏览 评论(0)
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