• 斯密士     【斯密说:双语百科】EP17 银幕超级英雄的黑科技报告!

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    What would it take to have such abilities?

    今天的核心词 American Superhero。
    美国超级英雄,通常是指美国漫画公司所塑造英雄角色。网页百科对超级英雄的定义是:In modern popular fiction, a superhero is a type of heroic character who possesses extraordinary talents, supernatural phenomena, or superhuman powers and who is dedicated to a moral goal or protecting the public.
    我对超级英雄的概念是:第一, 起个朗朗上口的名字再在后面加个侠字,第二:出门做好事学雷锋前换上花花绿绿的紧身衣,内裤一定要外穿了哈哈哈。Part of Me From Katy Perry.


    Superheros can fly through the air. Toss aside meteors like basketballs, climb up high building with their bare hands and when they do that they act like it's no big deal at all. Unfortunately, normal people like us are not powerful like that. Things like earth's natural forces and the human body's limitations, keep us from sprinting superfast, and leaping a mile high. But what would need to happen to you to have these abilities? Check out the science behind four American Superheros and find out what it would take to pull off there amazing stunts.

    蜘蛛侠在纽约追逐坏蛋的时候,经常用蜘蛛丝用一座摩天大厦荡到另外一座(没有恐高症也是一项超能力)。如果要支撑自重,蜘蛛侠的蜘蛛丝就需要有足够的抗拉强度。抗拉强度就是材料在断裂前承受的最大应力。发丝之类东西很容易折断,因为其抗拉强度低,而钢丝绳一类的材料则有较高的抗拉强度。尽管看上去很脆弱,一根蜘蛛丝比同样粗细的钢丝的抗拉强度更加高!如果哪天蜘蛛能喷出粗到能用手抓住的蜘蛛丝时,我们都可以这样玩了哈哈(你不会已经开始脑补这画面了吧- -)。

    Spider Man
    Amazing abilities: Swings on the spiderweb
    Science in action: Tensile strength
    Spider man swings on spider silk from one high building to another when he chases the bad guys in NYC( well of course being immune to great heights may be another important part of his technology). To support his own body weight, Spidey's webbing must have high tensile strength. This is the maximum amount of stress a material can withstand before it breaks. Things like hair strands, which snap easily, have a low tensile strength, while materials like cable wire have a higher tensile strength. Despite looking fragile, real spider silk is actually very tough. In fact one strand of spider silk has a higher tensile strength than a rod of steel of the same thickness. So it might be possible for you to go swinging on spider silk if a spider produced a thread big enough for you hold onto. And I don't think you should bet on that happening.


    Amazing abilities: moves at incredible speed
    Science in action: Friction
    Superman flies through the sky at top speed. To go that fast, he must overcome friction. That's the resistance that occurs when one object moves against another- in this case, superman's body against air molecules.
    “At normal speeds,your body easily pushes these molecules out of the way, but the faster you go, the less time they have to move.
    Before you could reach superman speed, this mass of molecules would get huge, providing enough resistance to slow you down.


    Wonder woman
    Amazing abilities: has extreme lung power
    Science in action: lung volume
    Wonder woman is able to move objects with her breath. She needs a high lung volume in order to use this super breath. Lung volume is the amount of air in your lungs at any given time. The maximum amount of air that can fill the average person's lungs is four to six liters. That's enough air to fill 10 to 17 soda cans. While that may seem like a lot, it's not nearly enough air to like knock a person off his feet. Some really bad breath may do the trick though.


    Amazing abilities: lunches himself into the sky with his hammer
    Science in action: Momentum
    Spinning his hammer superfast then hurling it towards the sky, Thor can launch himself into flight. He reaches liftoff because of momentum, a measure of how difficult to stop an object when it's moving. The faster an object goes, the more momentum it has. Because Thor starts off by rapidly spinning his hammer, the object builds a huge amount of momentum.
    “When he finally hurls the hammer into the air, it's so difficult to change its motion that it drags Thor along with it, regular people or creature on earth can not spin an object fast enough to build that momentum.

    Smeeth over and out.

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