• 怦了函     电影推荐【杂货铺子】

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    The Night Manager (BBC1)
    恭喜抖森主演的这部英剧荣登榜单第一名~ 相信许多人从这部剧刚出预告片就迫不及待一睹抖森剧中魅力了……剧情大致讲述了由抖森饰演的退伍军人来到一家酒店担任夜班经理,对偶遇的美女索菲一见钟情,然而这名女子其实是某军火走私犯的情妇。抖森也因而与“豪斯医生”演员Hugh Laurie饰演的英国军火黑市大佬产生了联系,并在之后结识了英国情报官安吉拉,协助她调查黑市内的军火交易和秘密情报。除了有男神加盟,整部剧的颜值、演技、布景、和氛围都很赞哦~

    The year’s silkiest, sexiest thriller sent Tom Hiddleston fans into meltdown, though he wasn’t even the best thing in it. His concierge-turned-Bond act was very smooth indeed, but the show was stolen by Hugh Laurie as the arms dealer Hiddleston was sent to topple. Suave billionaire Dickie Roper epitomised a world of wealth and wickedness, and the series romped around in his super-rich playground while never letting us forget it was a luxuriously appointed hell. Yes, the plot had holes you could drive a rocket launcher through but it scarcely mattered because the cast (Olivia Colman, Elizabeth Debicki, Tom Hollander) were knockout and so was the scenery.
    Line of Duty (BBC2)

    这部BBC悬疑类英剧,国内的小伙伴们可能没怎么听过~该剧着眼于英国警察界的丑闻,围绕好警察和坏警察之间的斗争展开~ 在第一季中,由于情报失误,英国特警部队误杀了一名怀抱孩子的中东移民,负责行动队的首长决定将这宗丑闻彻底抹去,找来知道真相的队员们统一口径,录制假口供。一身正气的刑侦队长史蒂夫(马丁•康普斯顿 Martin Compston 饰)毅然辞去了职务,被调往隶属于英国反贪署的秘密行动组,负责调查一名涉嫌贪污的侦缉总督察。今年播出的第三季延续了英国版“无间道”的紧张气氛,剧情更是扣人心弦。
    Season three of Jed Mercurio’s drama about corrupt cops pivoted slightly: instead of not knowing if Keeley Hawes was guilty, this year we knew from the outset that Craig Parkinson was. That added to the tension as we willed his colleagues to see the snake in their midst. Some supremely ambitious storytelling climaxed in the breathless final episode with not one but two of the show’s trademark outrageously long interview scenes, followed by a galloping action sequence that was like steam exploding out of a pressure cooker. Incredible.
    Happy Valley (BBC1)

    《幸福谷》第一季中,女警官Catherine(Sarah Lancashire)带领一个调查组来到约克郡一处偏远的山谷调查一起绑架案,但很快发现案情线索复杂。在一连串多米诺骨牌式的事件发生后,这起案件引出了多起更加可怕的犯罪。今年的第二季依旧悬念十足。而詹姆斯•诺顿饰演的邪恶反派Tommy仍旧是最大的威胁。Kevin Doyle饰演的反派新角色也很出彩。第二季仍旧延续本剧的核心:极为真实的对白,以及女主角在这个充满肮脏绝望的世界中,依然坚韧不屈,顽强抵抗的精神。非常精彩。
    How could Sally Wainwright’s game-changing police thriller cope without its main antagonist? Easily. James Norton’s monstrous Tommy was still a menace from behind bars, with Shirley Henderson and a surprisingly cast Kevin Doyle as new evil-doers for Sgt Catherine Cawood to cope with, while she came to terms with the events of season one. The focus of the show blurred a little but the core was intact: utterly believable dialogue, and Sarah Lancashire as a magnificent heroine, deeply affected by all the nastiness and despair in the world, but determined not to let it bring her down.
    Fleabag (BBC3)

    本剧被称为“一部现代杰作”。主人公是一个绰号为“Fleabag”的单身女子(菲比•沃勒-布里奇 Phoebe Waller-Bridge 饰),故事围绕着Fleabag的伦敦生活展开。 她原本和最好的朋友Boo合伙在伦敦经营着一家咖啡厅,却因好朋友的意外去世而发生变化。她和姐姐的关系疏远;爸爸选择和继母生活而忽视自己;男朋友又一次提出分手……往日和如今的场景相互交叠,暗涌的情绪无处宣泄……

    This one series made writer/performer Phoebe Waller-Bridge – like most overnight successes she’s been at it for years, with Fleabag having previously been an acclaimed one-woman play, but for TV fans she came from nowhere - a comedy superstar who’s now bound for Hollywood. Her 20-something alter ego, a damaged troublemaker crashing around London addicted to sex, conflict and self-examination, took us into her confidence with her filthy asides to camera – then broke our hearts as it turned out that in some sitcoms, actions have consequences. A modern masterpiece.
    War and Peace (BBC1)


    For a while the BBC avoided big, old-fashioned literary adaptations and did quirkier period pieces (like Peaky Blinders and Dickensian) instead. But with War & Peace there was no modern twist, just a lavish, full-bore production number, ed by old pro Andrew Davies. It was a gamble, but boy did it come off. With James Norton and Lily James as star-crossed lovers and a glorious turn from Paul Dano as questing Pierre, the story whisked us from ballroom to battlefield, dazzling us one minute, terrifying us the next.
    The Missing (BBC1)

    A drama that made people shout and swear at the TV. Each week was more deliciously twisty, horrifying and moving than the last, with Keeley Hawes and David Morrissey playing bereft parents whose agony reached new planes when their missing daughter returned to them. Or did she? The Missing was a staggeringly clever, beautifully written thriller that kept viewers awake at night wondering, with a shudder, what on earth was going on. At its centre, Tcheky Karyo as detective Julien Baptiste was mesmerising in his obsessive pursuit of the truth.
    The Crown (Netflix)

    这部由Netflix出品的剧集虽然不是纯粹的“英剧”,讲述的却是女王和丘吉尔的故事~ 剧本由电影《女王》(The Queen)的编剧彼得•摩根创作,首播集由《时时刻刻》(The Hours)导演史蒂芬•戴德利执导,讲述伊丽莎白二世与丘吉尔在二战后,重塑英伦的故事。这部剧的特点是并没有偶像化伊丽莎白二世,而是非常真实的描写了她登基最初几年的故事。从老国王的去世,到妹妹的爱情,到与丘吉尔和温莎公爵间的争执,以及那时对菲利普亲王的不满,都一一在剧中展现。敏锐的台词、华丽出彩的场景、真实历史的再创作,加上出色的演员阵容,都让这部剧精彩到完美,让人欲罢不能。
    If this had been on terrestrial TV it would have swept everything before it. A resolutely non-hagiographic look at the first few years of Elizabeth II’s reign covered everything from her father’s death to her sister’s doomed romance, via set-tos with Churchill and her uncle, the Duke of Windsor, and early stirrings of discontent from her husband Philip. Even committed republicans couldn’t fail to be impressed by Peter Morgan’s incisive , opulent locations and re-creations, and a cast – particular credit to Claire Foy, John Lithgow and Jared Harris – who avoided caricature to produce vivid portraits of people we mere mortals can never truly know. Given how little time actually elapsed within this first ten-episode run, The Crown was also surprisingly gripping and perfect for binge-watching.
    Planet Earth II (BBC1)


    When David Attenborough wrote for RT about the reception for Planet Earth II, he noted the 10 million or so viewers who had tuned in each week. In fact, he was a few million out: consolidated ratings show one episode was watched by over 13 million of us – the kind of figures that used to be the preserve of soaps and reality TV. But that’s how much we all needed to escape into the natural world of a Sunday evening. Even if what we found there was the nightmarish sight of those mean racer snakes chasing baby iguanas, we watched the wild drama and were utterly gripped.
    National Treasure (C4)

    Who would have thought that a series inspired by Operation Yewtree could make for gripping drama? Yet Jack Thorne’s intelligent , about the arrest of veteran comedian Paul Finchley on suspicion of raping a 15-year-old girl, deftly explored many issues surrounding historical sexual abuse cases. But the series’ real strengths lay its actors. Robbie Coltrane was immense as Finchley, a contrite philanderer fiercely protesting his innocence; Julie Walters grabbed our sympathy as his long-suffering wife, unsure how far she could trust him. Right to the last, we were in doubt as to Finchley’s innocence, until a breath-taking courtroom climax revealed all.
    The Great British Bake Off (BBC1)

    这部就不是传统意义上的英剧啦~ 实则是一部风靡英国的真人秀节目~由主持人玛丽•柏瑞和保罗•好莱坞引导选手们在帐篷内举办的竞争激烈的烘焙比赛,观众遍布全球近200个国家,收视率超高,受到广泛关注和喜爱。20个国家仿照该节目模式制作出本土版本,如巴西版《手中的面粉》、意大利版《烤箱里的甜美时刻》等。看来大家都难逃美食的诱惑和烹饪的乐趣啊~~
    In a year of bitter defeats for some, smug victories for others, TV was never going to be spared a bit of contention. But nobody saw it coming: the demise of Bake Off on the Beeb and the departure of Mary Berry, Sue Perkins and Mel Giedroyc. UK’s favourite plucky, cheeky, ceaselessly charming and sensationally successful amateur baking competition rang in a seventh series and a new gang of loveable patissieres took to the tent. If overshadowed by the backstage theatrics, the series itself was a showstopper – and a fine victor was crowned in companionable Bedfordshire PE teacher Candice Brown.
    美国电影学院(American Film Institute,简称AFI)评选了2016年最好的10部剧集“美国电影学会年度电视”( AFI TV Programs of the Year)。(排名未分先后)

    2016-12-28 15:17
    辣么,眼看寒假将至,今年究竟有哪些英剧美剧值得三刷?眼下欧美各大媒体正忙着推出年度影视剧榜单~ 勤劳的世纪君这就为小伙伴们搬来英剧、美剧十佳榜单,没看过的小伙伴可要抓紧喽~
    来自英国权威媒体《Radio Times》知名评论家和编辑共同评选了2016年10部最佳英剧(含英国播出的美剧)。来看看哪些是旧相识,哪些是新发现吧~
    The Night Manager (BBC1)
    恭喜抖森主演的这部英剧荣登榜单第一名~ 相信许多人从这部剧刚出预告片就迫不及待一睹抖森剧中魅力了……剧情大致讲述了由抖森饰演的退伍军人来到一家酒店担任夜班经理,对偶遇的美女索菲一见钟情,然而这名女子其实是某军火走私犯的情妇。抖森也因而与“豪斯医生”演员Hugh Laurie饰演的英国军火黑市大佬产生了联系,并在之后结识了英国情报官安吉拉,协助她调查黑市内的军火交易和秘密情报。除了有男神加盟,整部剧的颜值、演技、布景、和氛围都很赞哦~

    The year’s silkiest, sexiest thriller sent Tom Hiddleston fans into meltdown, though he wasn’t even the best thing in it. His concierge-turned-Bond act was very smooth indeed, but the show was stolen by Hugh Laurie as the arms dealer Hiddleston was sent to topple. Suave billionaire Dickie Roper epitomised a world of wealth and wickedness, and the series romped around in his super-rich playground while never letting us forget it was a luxuriously appointed hell. Yes, the plot had holes you could drive a rocket launcher through but it scarcely mattered because the cast (Olivia Colman, Elizabeth Debicki, Tom Hollander) were knockout and so was the scenery.
    Line of Duty (BBC2)

    这部BBC悬疑类英剧,国内的小伙伴们可能没怎么听过~该剧着眼于英国警察界的丑闻,围绕好警察和坏警察之间的斗争展开~ 在第一季中,由于情报失误,英国特警部队误杀了一名怀抱孩子的中东移民,负责行动队的首长决定将这宗丑闻彻底抹去,找来知道真相的队员们统一口径,录制假口供。一身正气的刑侦队长史蒂夫(马丁•康普斯顿 Martin Compston 饰)毅然辞去了职务,被调往隶属于英国反贪署的秘密行动组,负责调查一名涉嫌贪污的侦缉总督察。今年播出的第三季延续了英国版“无间道”的紧张气氛,剧情更是扣人心弦。
    Season three of Jed Mercurio’s drama about corrupt cops pivoted slightly: instead of not knowing if Keeley Hawes was guilty, this year we knew from the outset that Craig Parkinson was. That added to the tension as we willed his colleagues to see the snake in their midst. Some supremely ambitious storytelling climaxed in the breathless final episode with not one but two of the show’s trademark outrageously long interview scenes, followed by a galloping action sequence that was like steam exploding out of a pressure cooker. Incredible.
    Happy Valley (BBC1)

    《幸福谷》第一季中,女警官Catherine(Sarah Lancashire)带领一个调查组来到约克郡一处偏远的山谷调查一起绑架案,但很快发现案情线索复杂。在一连串多米诺骨牌式的事件发生后,这起案件引出了多起更加可怕的犯罪。今年的第二季依旧悬念十足。而詹姆斯•诺顿饰演的邪恶反派Tommy仍旧是最大的威胁。Kevin Doyle饰演的反派新角色也很出彩。第二季仍旧延续本剧的核心:极为真实的对白,以及女主角在这个充满肮脏绝望的世界中,依然坚韧不屈,顽强抵抗的精神。非常精彩。
    How could Sally Wainwright’s game-changing police thriller cope without its main antagonist? Easily. James Norton’s monstrous Tommy was still a menace from behind bars, with Shirley Henderson and a surprisingly cast Kevin Doyle as new evil-doers for Sgt Catherine Cawood to cope with, while she came to terms with the events of season one. The focus of the show blurred a little but the core was intact: utterly believable dialogue, and Sarah Lancashire as a magnificent heroine, deeply affected by all the nastiness and despair in the world, but determined not to let it bring her down.
    Fleabag (BBC3)

    本剧被称为“一部现代杰作”。主人公是一个绰号为“Fleabag”的单身女子(菲比•沃勒-布里奇 Phoebe Waller-Bridge 饰),故事围绕着Fleabag的伦敦生活展开。 她原本和最好的朋友Boo合伙在伦敦经营着一家咖啡厅,却因好朋友的意外去世而发生变化。她和姐姐的关系疏远;爸爸选择和继母生活而忽视自己;男朋友又一次提出分手……往日和如今的场景相互交叠,暗涌的情绪无处宣泄……

    This one series made writer/performer Phoebe Waller-Bridge – like most overnight successes she’s been at it for years, with Fleabag having previously been an acclaimed one-woman play, but for TV fans she came from nowhere - a comedy superstar who’s now bound for Hollywood. Her 20-something alter ego, a damaged troublemaker crashing around London addicted to sex, conflict and self-examination, took us into her confidence with her filthy asides to camera – then broke our hearts as it turned out that in some sitcoms, actions have consequences. A modern masterpiece.
    War and Peace (BBC1)


    For a while the BBC avoided big, old-fashioned literary adaptations and did quirkier period pieces (like Peaky Blinders and Dickensian) instead. But with War & Peace there was no modern twist, just a lavish, full-bore production number, ed by old pro Andrew Davies. It was a gamble, but boy did it come off. With James Norton and Lily James as star-crossed lovers and a glorious turn from Paul Dano as questing Pierre, the story whisked us from ballroom to battlefield, dazzling us one minute, terrifying us the next.
    The Missing (BBC1)

    A drama that made people shout and swear at the TV. Each week was more deliciously twisty, horrifying and moving than the last, with Keeley Hawes and David Morrissey playing bereft parents whose agony reached new planes when their missing daughter returned to them. Or did she? The Missing was a staggeringly clever, beautifully written thriller that kept viewers awake at night wondering, with a shudder, what on earth was going on. At its centre, Tcheky Karyo as detective Julien Baptiste was mesmerising in his obsessive pursuit of the truth.
    The Crown (Netflix)

    这部由Netflix出品的剧集虽然不是纯粹的“英剧”,讲述的却是女王和丘吉尔的故事~ 剧本由电影《女王》(The Queen)的编剧彼得•摩根创作,首播集由《时时刻刻》(The Hours)导演史蒂芬•戴德利执导,讲述伊丽莎白二世与丘吉尔在二战后,重塑英伦的故事。这部剧的特点是并没有偶像化伊丽莎白二世,而是非常真实的描写了她登基最初几年的故事。从老国王的去世,到妹妹的爱情,到与丘吉尔和温莎公爵间的争执,以及那时对菲利普亲王的不满,都一一在剧中展现。敏锐的台词、华丽出彩的场景、真实历史的再创作,加上出色的演员阵容,都让这部剧精彩到完美,让人欲罢不能。
    If this had been on terrestrial TV it would have swept everything before it. A resolutely non-hagiographic look at the first few years of Elizabeth II’s reign covered everything from her father’s death to her sister’s doomed romance, via set-tos with Churchill and her uncle, the Duke of Windsor, and early stirrings of discontent from her husband Philip. Even committed republicans couldn’t fail to be impressed by Peter Morgan’s incisive , opulent locations and re-creations, and a cast – particular credit to Claire Foy, John Lithgow and Jared Harris – who avoided caricature to produce vivid portraits of people we mere mortals can never truly know. Given how little time actually elapsed within this first ten-episode run, The Crown was also surprisingly gripping and perfect for binge-watching.
    Planet Earth II (BBC1)


    When David Attenborough wrote for RT about the reception for Planet Earth II, he noted the 10 million or so viewers who had tuned in each week. In fact, he was a few million out: consolidated ratings show one episode was watched by over 13 million of us – the kind of figures that used to be the preserve of soaps and reality TV. But that’s how much we all needed to escape into the natural world of a Sunday evening. Even if what we found there was the nightmarish sight of those mean racer snakes chasing baby iguanas, we watched the wild drama and were utterly gripped.
    National Treasure (C4)

    Who would have thought that a series inspired by Operation Yewtree could make for gripping drama? Yet Jack Thorne’s intelligent , about the arrest of veteran comedian Paul Finchley on suspicion of raping a 15-year-old girl, deftly explored many issues surrounding historical sexual abuse cases. But the series’ real strengths lay its actors. Robbie Coltrane was immense as Finchley, a contrite philanderer fiercely protesting his innocence; Julie Walters grabbed our sympathy as his long-suffering wife, unsure how far she could trust him. Right to the last, we were in doubt as to Finchley’s innocence, until a breath-taking courtroom climax revealed all.
    The Great British Bake Off (BBC1)

    这部就不是传统意义上的英剧啦~ 实则是一部风靡英国的真人秀节目~由主持人玛丽•柏瑞和保罗•好莱坞引导选手们在帐篷内举办的竞争激烈的烘焙比赛,观众遍布全球近200个国家,收视率超高,受到广泛关注和喜爱。20个国家仿照该节目模式制作出本土版本,如巴西版《手中的面粉》、意大利版《烤箱里的甜美时刻》等。看来大家都难逃美食的诱惑和烹饪的乐趣啊~~
    In a year of bitter defeats for some, smug victories for others, TV was never going to be spared a bit of contention. But nobody saw it coming: the demise of Bake Off on the Beeb and the departure of Mary Berry, Sue Perkins and Mel Giedroyc. UK’s favourite plucky, cheeky, ceaselessly charming and sensationally successful amateur baking competition rang in a seventh series and a new gang of loveable patissieres took to the tent. If overshadowed by the backstage theatrics, the series itself was a showstopper – and a fine victor was crowned in companionable Bedfordshire PE teacher Candice Brown.
    美国电影学院(American Film Institute,简称AFI)评选了2016年最好的10部剧集“美国电影学会年度电视”( AFI TV Programs of the Year)。(排名未分先后)
    Game of Thrones

    IMDb评分 :8.5分
    横扫艾美奖、口碑爆棚的全球最火神剧,在此就不用多介绍了吧~ 第六季中看点泪点都非常多,比如雪诺复活、阿多的故事、龙母线、三傻雪诺重聚、小剥皮线等等(还有没看的小伙伴,就不剧透了)…… 这也是一部没有主角的戏,因为“凡人皆有一死”,更因为每个角色都太有戏啦~

    The fate of Jon Snow is revealed. Daenerys is brought before Khal Moro. Tyrion gets used to living in Meereen. Ramsay sends his dogs after Theon and Sansa. Ellaria and the Sand Snakes make their move. Cersei mourns for Myrcella.
    The Americans
    该剧主创本人曾担任过美国中情局特工……听起来很厉害有木有~ 故事讲述了美苏冷战期间,一对前苏联克格勃间谍潜伏在美国首都华盛顿郊区,伪装成一个美国式家庭——丈夫Philip(马修•瑞斯 Matthew Rhys),妻子Elizabeth (凯丽•拉塞尔 Keri Russell),与一对不知道自己身份的子女一起生活,伺机收集军政情报。他们的关系随着时间的推进越来越亲密和真实,但是冷战的升级和间谍组织对他们的监视也考验着他们之间的情感……
    Set in the early 1980s during the Cold War, The Americans is the story of Elizabeth (Keri Russell) and Philip Jennings (Matthew Rhys), two Soviet KGB officers posing as an American married couple living in the northern Virginia suburbs of Washington, D.C., with their children Paige (Holly Taylor) and Henry (Keidrich Sellati) and their neighbor Stan Beeman (Noah Emmerich), an FBI agent working in counterintelligence.
    这部脑洞大开的黑色喜剧,讲述小人物为了生活和家庭一路努力拼搏。音乐好听,剧情搞笑,让人从头笑到尾。剧中一对表兄弟在亚特兰大这片南方说唱之地,为了自己及家人能过更好的生活而打拼。主角是一位年轻的经理人Earn Mark,他想让自己表兄弟的事业能一飞冲天;另外Brian Tyree Henry饰演的一位新晋说唱歌手,试图去理解现实与街头的分别。
    The series is about two cousins navigating their way in the Atlanta rap scene in an effort to improve their lives and the lives of their families.
    Better Call Saul
    IMDb评分 :8.6分
    本剧为《绝命毒师》的前传,讲述律师索尔•古德曼Saul Goodman在成为著名黑律师前的经历,当时他只是一个小律师,过着养家糊口的日子。有趣的非线性叙事,精彩的人物关系刻画,不逊于母剧《绝命毒师》。
    Better Call Saul is a spin-off prequel of Breaking Bad, which was also created by Gilligan. Set in 2002, Better Call Saul follows the story of small-time lawyer James Morgan "Jimmy" McGill (Bob Odenkirk), six years before his appearance on Breaking Bad as Saul Goodman; events after the original series are briefly explored, as well.
    IMDb评分 :8.6分
    《副总统》是HBO推出的一部喜剧,大致描绘了前参议员莎拉•佩林Selina Meyer担任美国副总统后的故事……接受任命后,她发现这份工作与她想象中的完全不一样。她和团队希望在任职期间有所作为,留下政绩,而不深陷华盛顿的政治游戏中。不过这部剧可不是《纸牌屋》那样严肃的“宫斗戏”,而是一群白宫工作人员的搞笑日常,轻松幽默,笑点密集~女主演技也很神,连续5次蝉联艾美奖喜剧类最佳女主角。
    Veep is set in the office of Selina Meyer, a fictional Vice President, and subsequent President, of the United States. The series follows Meyer and her team as they attempt to make their mark and leave a lasting legacy without getting tripped up in the day-to-day political games that define Washington, D.C.
    The Crown

    这部剧与上面《Radio Times》评选的榜单重叠啦~ 在此就不多介绍了~ 欲戴王冠必承其重~ 世人只知女王超长待机,可谁知道有所不为的背后是对于责任的坚守。
    The Crown focuses on Queen Elizabeth II as a 25-year-old newlywed faced with the daunting prospect of leading the world's most famous monarchy while forging a relationship with legendary Prime Minister, Sir Winston Churchill. The British Empire is in decline, the political world is in disarray, and a young woman takes the throne....a new era is dawning. Peter Morgan's masterfully researched s reveal the Queen's private journey behind the public facade with daring frankness. Prepare to be welcomed into the coveted world of power and privilege and behind locked doors in Westminster and Buckingham Palace....the leaders of an empire await.
    The Night Of
    IMDb评分: 8.7分

    Naz is a strait-laced Pakistani-American student who is off to a must-attend party on a Friday night. His only available transportation being his father's taxi cab, Naz sets off into Manhattan. But his party-going plans are quickly forgotten when a mysterious young woman jumps aboard in need of a ride. Charmed by her intense intrigue and good looks, Naz gets swept up by her pressures. After a mind-altering night of drugs and passion, the woman is dead, and Naz finds himself in the crosshairs of a gruesome murder investigation, panicked and shaken, but possibly with a trace of doubt as to his own innocence.
    American Crime Story
    《美国恐怖故事》制片人新剧,专注于美国历史上的一些重大真实罪案。第一季(The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story)根据被称为20世纪“世纪大案”,当时牵动全美民众之心的辛普森杀妻案改编。从律师的角度重现整个案件的审理过程。该剧获得了第68届艾美奖最佳迷你剧,口碑评价都相当可以~ 看完,你还能对美国司法体系有更深认识。

    The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story is the first season of the FX true crime anthology television series American Crime Story. The season, which debuted on February 2, 2016, revolves around the infamous O. J. Simpson murder case and is based on Jeffrey Toobin's book The Run of His Life: The People v. O.J. Simpson (1997).
    Stranger Things

    又是一部今年新晋的制作精良、口碑超高神剧。故事背景设置在上世纪八十年代的印第安纳州,一个小男孩神秘的消失了;他的朋友、家人以及当地的警方开始竭力找寻答案,但却被卷入了一个充斥秘密试验和恐怖超自然力量的神秘事件中…… 各种80年代科幻片、恐怖片等流行文化的怀旧梗,让好这口的观众连连叫好。所有主演尤其是几名小演员,演技、智商、颜值全部在线。喜欢斯蒂芬•金小说、约翰•卡朋特导演的恐怖片、《星球大战》系列等作品的人一定要看这部剧啦~
    The plot follows the disappearance of a young boy, and the appearance of a telekinetic girl, who helps his friends in their search, while the boy's older brother, his mother, and the town police chief start their own investigations. The show is set in the 1980s in the fictional town of Hawkins, Indiana, and is a homage to 1980s pop culture, inspired and aesthetically informed by the works of Steven Spielberg, John Carpenter, Stephen King, Robert Zemeckis, and George Lucas, among others.
    This Is Us

    相比其他几部剧,这部剧的特点就是平凡家庭生活的温馨与感动~ 讲述一群不同的人,其中一些人的共同点就是“同一天生日”,他们的生活故事以有趣的方式交叉在一起,被戏称催泪版“科学育儿指南”……非常暖心的一部剧~

    This Is Us is an American television comedy-drama series created by Dan Fogelman. It is about the family lives and connections of several people who all share the same birthday and the ways in which they're similar and different.


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