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    • Just for Fun

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    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》



    Ella 说“They treat me as well as they're able”It;s not bad.
    而不是说“Save me please”
    She could say"It's been a bit of challenge, but I hope it will change."
    而且在马失控时她还能Hold 住,在没有马镫和缰绳的情况下

    Cinderella 2015 horse chase scene

    --Perhaps it was just as well that Ella's stepsisters were cruel. For had she not run to the forest, she might never have met the prince.
    | cruel: adj making someone suffer or feel unhappy 残忍的
    例句:Her eyes were cruel and hard.她目光冷酷逼人。
    | 难句: For had she not run to the forest, might have met: might have done
    |相当于: If she had not run the the forest, she might never have met the prince
    | 主句 she might never have met the prince
    | 从句 for had she not run to the forest 这里是省略if倒装,had 提前
    | 事实:Ella已经遇见了王子。这里的虚拟情况是说 如果Ella 没有跑到森林里就不会遇见王子的。这里是对过去真实情况的的虚拟。(口诀:主过将完从过完)
    --Easy! Easy! Easy, boy! Come on, boy, slow down!
    --Miss! Miss! Are you all right? Hold on!
    --I'm all right, thank you! That's fine.
    --Are you all right?
    --I'm all right, But you've nearly frightened the life out of him.
    | frighten /scare the life out of sb: to frighten someone very much 把某人吓得魂都丢了
    --The stag.
    --What's he ever done to you that you should chase him about?
    | have done to sb.: 对某人做了不好的事
    | chase: the act of going after someone or something very quickly in order to catch him, her, or it: 追逐
    --I must confess I've never met him before.
    | confess: to admit that you have done something wrong 承认
    --He is a friend of yours?
    --An acquaintance. We met just now.
    --I looked into his eyes, and he looked into mine, and I just felt he had a great deal left to do with his life. That's all.
    --Miss, what do they call you?
    --Never mind what they call me.
    --You shouldn't be this deep in the forest alone.
    --I'm not alone. I'm with you, Mister...
    --What do they call you?
    --You don't know who I am?
    --That is...
    --They call me Kit. Well, my father does, when he's in a good mood.
    | in a good mood : feel happy
    --where do you live, Mr. Kit?
    --At the palace. My father's teaching me his trade.
    --You're an apprentice?
    --Of a sort.
    --That's very fine. Do they treat you well?
    | treat vt. to behave towards someone or something in a particular way 对待
    |例如:She treats me like one of the family.
    --Better than I deserve, most likely. And you?
    | deserve : to have earned or to be given something because of the way you have behaved
    | or the qualities you have: 应得
    | 例句:After all that hard work, you deserve a holiday.
    --They treat me as well as they're able.
    --I'm sorry.
    --It's not your doing.
    --Nor yours either, I'll bet.
    --It's not so very bad.
    --Others have it worse, I'm sure.
    --We must simply have courage and be kind, mustn't we?
    | 反义疑问句
    --You're right.
    --That's exactly how I feel.
    --Please don't let them hurt him.
    --But we're hunting, you see. It's what's done.
    --Just because it's what's done doesn't mean it's what should be done.
    | 这句话值得我们花上超过24小时来练习。因为女主角说的太快了。
    | should be done 情态动词的被动语态 “应该被做“
    --Right again.
    --Then, you'll leave him alone, won't you?
    | 反义疑问句 will, … won’t you 前肯后否
    | leave sb. alone : to stop annoying sb. or trying to get their attention, “不打扰,不惊动”
    --I will.
    --Thank you very much, Mr. Kit.


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