• 王毅Michael     140亿红包你占多少呢

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    毅说晨读 day200



    During Chinese New Year, it's customary to give out red envelopes, or hongbaos as they are known, stuffed with cash to people in your circle. It's one of the hallmarks of this most ancient of festival. And as with most ancient traditions in China, tech companies have been proactive in bringing this custom into the internet era.


    customary n.习俗
    circle n.朋友圈
    hallmarks n. 特点,标志
    ancient adj.古老的
    proactive n.积极主动的

    be proactive in doing sth 积极主动的做某事

    WeChat, China's most popular messaging app, has allowed people to celebrate Chinese New Year by sending vertual hongbaos to their friends and family for the past few years. The money is transferred through its build-in payments service.


    vertual adj.虚拟的
    transfer v.转账

    allow sb to do sth 给予某人做某事的机会

    This year's Chinese New Year proved to be a red letter year for the service, as a dizzying 14.2 billion digital red envelopes were sent on New Year' Eve alone, peaking at midnight with 760,000 transactions per second, according to the state-run Global Times- that's two envelopes for roughly every person on Earth. This was a reported 75.7 percent increase as compared to last year.


    dizzying adj.令人眩晕的
    roughly adv. 大体上

    prove to be 成为
    as compared to 相比于

    The uptake of financial technology in China is rising at an unprecedented rate for the world's largest mobile market. In 2014, online payments hit an estimated 11.9 trillion yuan, around $1.3 trillion dollars. In 2017, that number is expected to climb to 19.5 trillion yuan, or $ 2.84 trillion.

    unprecedented adj.前所未有的
    estimated adj.根据估计的
    trillion n.万亿

    rising at unprecedented rate 以前所未有的速率增长


    1970-01-01   45赞       1踩       239浏览 评论(17)
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