• 王毅Michael     中英货运铁路开通

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    毅说晨读 day178




    China Launched its first freight train to London this week, the China Railway Corporation said.

    Departing from Yiwu West Railway Station in eastern Zhejiang Province, the train will travel for about 18 days and more than 12,000 kilometers before reaching its destination in Britain.

    The route runs through Kazakhstan, Russian, Belarus, Poland , Germany, Belgium and France, before arriving in London. The UK is the eighth country to be added to the China -Europe service, and London is the 15th city.

    The addition is part of China's 'One belt, One road '(OBOR) intercontinental trade and infrastructure project backed by President Xi Jinpin.

    launch 发布,开始,推行
    freight 货物
    depart from .... to. .. 从....出发到....
    destination 目的地
    route 线路
    addition 建筑附加
    one belt , one road 一带一路
    intercontinental 洲际,洲与洲之间的
    infrastructure 基础设施
    back 支持

    1970-01-01   52赞       2踩       436浏览 评论(11)
男 魔仙lv73


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