• Margaery     a news report2

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    一个马大爷都听疯了的news report。。继上一篇后续报道,大火之后的损失情。


    According to the owner of the warehouses, local builders' merchant Mr. Arthur Peel, damage was "difficult to estimate at this stage".

    "The warehouses worst affected contained a large quantity of timber and building materials," said Mr. Peel. "It seems unlikely that much of this can have escaped damage, in which case the cost is likely to run into several thousand pounds".

    Interviewed at the scene last night, the Chief of the Paxton fire-brigade, 42 year old Mr. Fred Banks, who is responsible for bonfire-night safety measures in the district, said that he thought the fire was "very unfortunate".

    The organisers had consulted him about the safety of the site, and he had approved it, "provided the bonfire itself was kept in the centre of the site, and that only wood was burnt on it".

    It seemed, however, that someone had thrown paper on to the fire, and the strong wind had carried some of this to the warehouses.

    There had also been reports that rival gangs of youths had been seen throwing fireworks at each other near the warehouses, and this might also have had something to do with the fire starting.

    Asked about the advisability of allowing a fire at all so near to buildings, Mr. Banks pointed out that there was no other open space available, and that the risk involved was negligible — given that the safety regulations would be "strictly observed".

    When told of the fire chief's remarks, the bonfire's organizer local businessman Mr. Ron Green, denied that anyone had put paper on the bonfire.

    1970-01-01   1赞       0踩       120浏览 评论(3)
女 中级配角lv28


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