• 韩雪Cecilia     娱乐没有圈S02E10:美国大选中的“娱乐牌”

    • Just for Fun

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    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》




    Every four years, the general election for U.S. president takes place on the first Tuesday after the first Monday of November. So today, Let's take a look at the basic facts about presidential election in the United States.

    It's basically a campaign of educational background, money, IQ, EQ, and most importantly, your influence among the people.



    We know that the president are elected through votes, the more votes you get, the more likely you would become the president of the United States. To protect the rights of the smallest states while adhering to the will of the majority, the states have managed to create a multi-tiered voting system called the College of Electors.
    The Electors of the Electoral College are distributed proportionally to every state and basically, a presidential candidate needs to win at least the majority, or 270, of the 538 Electoral College votes to be elected president.



    The reason why presidential election of the United States caught so much attention, is because, for most people, this looked like a well-produced soap opera, with an all star cast and full of twists and turns, and above all, you get to decide who will stand to the last.
    The candidate have to go through a year of acting to every detail in life, aside from stating his or her political statement, the most pivotal thing, is to gain more support, to let more people accept your personality.

    A presidential candidate is just as capable as well as an actor, every 4 year the campaign season is just as much fun as the Saturday Night Show. No matter how much they try to make fun of you, you should stay calm and always be ready to take the next prank. Maybe among all the presidents of the united stats, Reagon was not the only professional actor originally.

    Won the campaign, you move into the White House, you happy, but, what if you lose? Nobody wants to be a loser, as an eligible candidate, a speech for the final failure needs well preparation too.


    There's an impressive opening scene in Political Animals, it's about the female campaigner presenting a speech after losing the campaign. It's so encouraging that it doesn't even sound like it's from a loser. In Brothers & Sisters, the whole family sitting in front of the TV watching the final speech after the candidate backed out the campaign, are also very touching.

    From ordinary people's point of view, the entertainment news are way more interesting than politics. So in order to gain more support from the mass majority, politicians are prone to take advantage of the showbiz to reach their goals.


    For instance, in the year 2008, the famous talk-show queen Oprah Winfrey publicly supported Barack Obama during the time of inner-party election, has led to the result of 1 million votes from the general election.
    This year, Hilary Clinton seems to have hollywood celebrities backing her up. From the legendary director Stephen Speilberg, new batman Ben Affleck, aunt Meryl Streep, wolverine Hugh Jackman, Ironman Robert Downey Jr. , they all publicly stand by Hilary's side.
    There's even some viral videos from the supporters to promote the positive image of the presidential candidate, much like the Katy Perry's video below.

    Nowadays, hollywood stars, movie company bosses and social celebrities would hold a fund-raising event almost every week to support their political figure. Statistics shows, tens of millions of dollars are raised by all these people, but the celebrity effect can not be measured solely by money.

    Previously in the history of television, the President was a sensitive charactor, but after 30 years of development, movies/ TV shows and programs have become the most effective mainstream promotional channels for the presidential candidate to show his or her affections to the people.


    President of the United States has become one of the favourite charactors in the movies and TV shows. Most of the screenwriters are democratic personages with enlightened minds, they would create different images of president to show their political attitude. Above all, the equality of human rights are their top priority, that's why we see so many African presidents and female presidents in the movies.

    It is said in the classic TV play 24 hours, the righteous black president has shaped the images of African-Americans, no wonder the showbiz has such a strong influence over the presidential election.



    But based on our show's positive attitude, let's just forget about what's happening at the other side of the ocean, and take a look at those good presidents in the classic movies and TV shows.

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