• Jenny…     We are going on a bear hunt

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    本篇故事讲述的是一家人去猎熊的故事, 本书句子押韵,并采用了孩子们喜闻乐见的反复的形式,书中一直在重复 We are going on a bear hunt. We are going to catch a big one. What a beautiful day!We are not scared.节奏轻快,韵律感十足。 本书采用的是黑白页和彩页的交替使用,当主人公陷入困境时,画者就把画面画成黑白;当主人公知难而进时,她就会画成彩色,在黑白页和彩页的交替中孩子感受到了主人公猎熊路上的兴奋以及遇到的困难,其实也是一种潜在的节奏,与文字的韵律配合,一次次把人的情绪推向高潮。
       故事中使用的大量的象声词,也增加了阅读时的乐趣,猎熊者一路穿过草地 (Swishy, Swashy! Swishy, Swashy! ),河流 (Splash, splosh! Splash, splosh!),泥地 (Squelch, squerch! Squelch, squerch!),森林 (Stumble trip! Stumble trip!),暴风雪 (Hoooo woooo! Hoooo woooo!),最后来到了熊居住的山洞 (Tiptoe! Tiptoe! Tiptoe!)。当他们见到熊,被熊追赶的落荒而逃,躲在被子里一起说 We are not going on a bear hunt again.,读到这里孩子们又被主人公的狼狈相逗得捧腹大笑。



    We're going on a bear hunt.
    We're going to catch a big one.
    What a beautiful day!
    We're not scared.
    Uh-uh! Grass!
    Long wavy grass.
    We can't go over it.
    We can't go under it.
    Oh no! We've got to go through it!
    Swishy swashy! Swishy swashy! Swishy swashy!
    We're going on a bear hunt
    Uh-uh! A river!
    A deep cold river.
    We can't go over it
    Oh no! We've got to go through it!
    Splash splosh! Splash splosh! Splash splosh!
    We're going on a bear hunt
    Uh-uh! Mud!
    Thick oozy mud.
    We can't go over it
    Oh no! We've got to go through it!
    Squelch squrch! Squelch squrch! Squelch squrch!
    We're going on a bear hunt
    Uh-uh! A forest!
    A big dark forest.
    We can't go over it
    Oh no! We've got to go through it!
    Stumble trip! Stumble trip! Stumble trip!
    We're going on a bear hunt
    Uh-uh! A snowstorm!
    A swirling whirling snowstorm.
    We can't go over it
    Oh no! We've got to go through it!
    Hoooo woooo! Hoooo woooo! Hoooo woooo!
    We're going on a bear hunt
    Uh-uh! A cave!
    A narrow gloomy cave.
    We can't go over it
    Oh no! We've got to go through it!
    Tiptoe! Tiptoe! Tiptoe! What's that
    One shiny wet nose!
    Two big furry ears!
    Two big goggly eyes!
    It's a bear!
    Quick! Back through the cave!
    Tiptoe! Tiptoe! Tiptoe!
    Back through the snowstorm!
    Hoooo wooooo!
    Back through the forest!
    Stumble trip! Stumble trip! Stumble trip!
    Back through the mud!
    Squelch squerch! Squelch squerch!
    Back through the river!
    Splash splosh! Splash splosh! Splash splosh!
    Back through the grass!
    Swishy swashy! Swishy swashy! Swishy swashy!
    Get to our front door.
    Open the door.
    Up the stairs.
    Oh no! We forgot to shut the door.
    Back downstairs.
    Shut the door.
    Back upstairs.
    Into the bedroom.
    Into bed. Under the covers.
    We're not going on a bear hunt again.

    1970-01-01   51赞       6踩       7759浏览 评论(14)
女 女一号lv45


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