• Ninaven     学习笔记? C ➡️ E 15/7/2016

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》


    迪斯科舞厅 n. discotheque, disco

    流行 adj. trendy, popular
    Come into full fashion (with sb.)

    宽带技术 broadband technology

    数字经济 digital economy

    国际货币基金组织 IMF
    (International Monetary Fund)

    三峡大坝 Three Gorges Dam

    股票 n. share, stock

    世贸组织 WTO
    (World Trade Organisation )

    the three-sided win-win situation

    跨国公司 multinational corporation

    研究开发中心 R&D center (research and development center)

    有助于…的 adj. conducive

    奠基仪式 groundbreaking ceremony

    名义资产 nominal assets

    进修 further education/study

    肮脏的河道 filthy waterway

    a beautiful landscape/scenery

    苏州河(上海) Suzhou Creek

    房地产业 real estate sector

    分别地 adv. respectively

    纺织业和服装业 textiles and clothing

    外汇收入 foreign exchange earning/income

    根据统计数字 statistics reveal
    According to the statistics

    九一一事件 September 11 Attacks

    后冷战时代 post-Cold War era

    终止 n. termination

    bilingual education experiment

    浦东新区 Pudong New Area

    国民经济 national economy

    综合国力 overall national strength

    international competitiveness

    1970-01-01   4赞       0踩       167浏览 评论(1)
女 提名影后lv52


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