• 甯芙熙     环球趣闻:Catman Billy 《猫人比利》通过猫的眼睛看生活

    • Just for Fun

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    In his debut novel, The Incarnation of Catman Billy, author Will Jordan writes about the adventures of a man reborn as a cat. Billy finds he now must look at life from a different perspective, and in so doing, he discovers some important truths. Jordan hopes his book inspires readers to re-examine their own lives and pursue goals that bring them meaning and fulfillment. "Billy is a human coming back as a cat to learn to be a better person," he explains.

    (Having a vision of what you want is important)
    To embark on a life transforming journey, Jordan says you need to keep a vision of the life you want to live in front of you.

    (Keep a positive outlook)
    Jordan adds that looking at positives rather than focusing only on negatives will also enhance relationships. If you want to be in a relationship with your husband or wife, you look at where you grow together, 'How can I help you?' not 'Where you are wrong and what's bad?' It falls apart if you do that.

    As we begin a new year and a new decade, Jordan says this is the right moment for us to re-examine our lives. And like Catman Billy, he says we all can get out of our personal isolation, connect with others and create a better life.


    在威尔·乔丹的处女作《猫人比利》中,他描写了一个人重生为猫的奇遇。比利发现他现在必须从不同的角度去看待生活,这样,他发现了一些重要的真相。乔丹希望他的书能鼓励读者去重新审视生活,并追寻那些有意义,并且能够带给他们成就感的目标。“比利是一个重生为猫的人,并用这样的方式来学习去做一个更好的人。” 他解释道。


    乔丹补充道,着眼于乐观事物而不是关注消极事物也能加强关系。如果你想和你的丈夫或妻子保持亲密关系,你去看看你们一起成长的地方,要说“我要怎么帮你?” 而不是“你错在哪里或有什么糟糕的事?” 如果你那样做会使事情变得更糟。


    1、debut: 处女作,初次登台


    2、embark on sth:start doing sth 开始做……


    1970-01-01   2赞       0踩       183浏览 评论(1)


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