• 知味人生     流金岁月---唱一唱我尚未出生前的那些歌《翻唱第五弹》

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    第一首歌《if i only had a brain》来自1939年美国电影《绿野仙踪》(奥兹国历险记),当主人公Dorothy遇见稻草人时,稻草人唱的一首插曲。我们闭上眼睛,仿佛能看到稻草人坐在一望无际的麦田边,托着脑袋,陷入愁云之中

    《If I Only Had a Brain》


    I could while away the hours
    Conferrin with the flowers
    Consultin with the rain
    And my head I'd be scratchin
    While my thoughts were busy hatchin
    If I only had a brain
    I'd unravel any riddle
    For any individd-el
    In trouble or in pain
    With the thoughts I'd be thinkin
    I could be another Lincoln
    If I only had a brain
    Oh I could tell you why
    The ocean's near the shore
    I could think of things I never thunk before
    And then I'd sit and think some more
    I would not be just a nothin
    My head all full of stuffin
    My heart all full of pain
    Perhaps I deserve you
    And be even worthy erve you
    If I only had a brain
    I could wile away the hours
    Conferrin’ with the flowers
    Consultin’ with the rain
    And my head I’d be scratchin’
    While my thoughts were busy hatchin’
    If I only If I only had a brain

    《Beyond the sea》
    这首歌最早翻唱自法国音乐家Charles Trénet在1945年作词作曲并演唱的一首非常经典的法语歌曲La Mer《大海》。据说当初写这首歌额时候,Trénet只用了二十分钟。估计,那是一个暖洋洋的夏日午后,Trénet在蓝色海岸边的某个小酒馆里,一番痛饮之后,一挥而就,一首名曲的诞生就这么简单。
    1960年,美国爵士乐歌手Bobby Darin把这首优美的法语歌曲改编成了英文。

    《Beyond The Sea》


    Somewhere beyond the sea
    somewhere waiting for me
    my lover stands on golden sands
    then watches the ships that go sailin
    Somewhere beyond the sea
    she's there watching for me
    If I could fly like birds on high
    then straight to her arms
    I'd go sailing
    It's far beyond the stars
    it's near beyond the moon
    I know beyond a doubt
    my heart will lead me there soon
    We'll meet beyond the shore
    we'll kiss just like before
    Happy we'll be beyond the sea
    and never again I'll go sailing
    I know beyond a doubt
    my heart will lead me there soon
    We'll meet (I know we'll meet) beyond the shore
    We'll kiss just as before
    Happy we'll be beyond the sea
    and never again I'll go sailing
    no more sailing
    so long sailing
    byebye sailing

    1970-01-01   24赞       1踩       650浏览 评论(24)
男 男一号lv45


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