• 知味人生     流金岁月---唱一唱我尚未出生前的那些歌《翻唱第四弹》

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    「Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head」
    作者:六、七十年代"抒情畅销单曲制造机"的Burt Bacharach


    Raindrops keep falling on my head,
    And just like the guy whose feet are too big for his bed,
    Nothing seems to fit.
      Those raindrops are falling on my head;
      They keep falling.
      So I just did me some talking to the sun,
      And I said I didn't like the way
      he got things done sleeping on the job.
      Those raindrops are falling on my head;
      They keep falling.
      But there's one thing I know----
      The blues they send to meet me won't defeat me.
      It won't be long till happiness steps up to greet me.
      Raindrops keep falling on my head,
      But that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turning red.
      Crying is not for me,
      'Cause I'm never gonna stop the rain by complaining.
      Because I'm free, nothing's worrying me.
      It won't be long till happiness steps up to greet me.
      Raindrops keep falling on my head,
      But that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turning red.
      Crying is not for me,
      'Cause I'm never gonna stop the rain by complaining,
      Because I'm free, nothing's worrying me.


    「Something Stupid」
    《Something Stupid》是Frank Sinatra 2001年演唱的英文歌曲,收录于专辑《Swing When You`re Winning(摇摇领先)


    「Something Stupid」

    I know I stand in line 我知道自己在排队等待
    Until you think you have the time 直到你认为有时间
    To spend an evening with me 陪我度过一个晚上
    And if we go someplace to dance 若我们去某个地方跳舞
    I know that there's a chance 我明白这会是个机会
    You won't be leaving with me 你不会舍我而去
    And afterwards we drop into a quiet little place 我俩找了个安静的地方
    And have a drink or two 喝上两杯
    And then I go and spoil it all 接着我一冒失却把气氛全破坏了
    By saying something stupid 就因为说了些傻话
    Like I love you 比如:我爱你
    I can see it in your eyes 你的眼神让我明白
    You still despise the same old lines 你依然反感这些陈腔滥调
    You heard the night before 在此次夜晚前已听过很多遍
    And though it's just a line to you 尽管对你来说只是一句说辞
    For me it's true 对我来说却是真心话
    And never seemed so right before 而且从来没有如此恰如其分
    I practice every day to find some clever lines to say 每天我不断的练习,也想找点好句子
    To make the meaning come true 来让这情意更加真切
    But then I think I'll wait until the evening gets late 但想想我还是等到夜深再说吧
    And I'm alone with you 当与你单独相处
    The time is right 那时间才是对的
    Your perfume fills my head 你的芬芳充斥着我的脑海
    The stars get red 星星变红
    And oh the night's so blue 在夜晚的衬托下却是如此的忧郁
    And then I go and spoil it all 接着我一冒失却把气氛全破坏了
    By saying something stupid 一就因为说了些傻话
    Like I love you 比如:我爱你
    I love you 我爱你

    1970-01-01   18赞       0踩       593浏览 评论(26)
男 男一号lv45


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