• DreamerChen     #阅读魔方#《Room》:“若见诸相非相,即见如来”

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    【重要】 关于节目&其他说明请拉至底部



    Today I’m five. I was four last night going to sleep in Wardrobe(n. 衣柜;行头;全部戏装) but when I wake up in Bed in the dark I’m changed to five abracadabra(咒语,胡言乱语). Before that I was three then two then one then zero. “Was I minus numbers?”
    “Hmm?” Ma does a big stretch(n.伸展,延伸).
    “Up in Heaven. Was I minus one minus two minus three—?”
    “Nah the numbers didn’t start till you zoomed down.”
    “Through Skylight. You were all sad till I happened in your tummy(n.肚子;胃).”
    “You said it.” Ma leans out of(把身体探出) Bed to switch on Lamp he makes everything light up whoosh.
    I shut my eyes just in time then open one a crack then both.
    “I cried till I didn’t have any tears left” she tells me. “I just lay here counting the seconds.”
    “How many seconds?” I ask her.
    “Millions and millions of them.”
    “No but how many exactly?”
    “I lost count” says Ma.
    “Then you wished and wished on your egg till you got fat.”
    She grins(v.露齿而笑). “I could feel you kicking.”
    “What was I kicking?”
    “Me of course.”
    I always laugh at that bit.
    “From the inside boom boom.” Ma lifts her sleep T-shirt and makes her tummy jump. “I thought Jack’s on his way. First thing in the morning you slid(v.下滑,滑动) out onto the rug(n.小地毯) with your eyes wide open.
    I look down at Rug with her red and brown and black all zigging around(左右转弯) each other. There’s the stain I spilled by mistake getting born. “You cutted the cord(n.绳索) and I was free” I tell Ma. “Then I turned into a boy.”
    “Actually you were a boy already.” She gets out of Bed and goes to Thermostat(n.恒温器) to hot the air.
    I don’t think he came last night after nine the air’s always different if he came. I don’t ask because she doesn’t like saying about him.
    “Tell me Mr. Five would you like your present now or after breakfast?”
    “What is it what is it?”
    “I know you’re excited” she says “but remember not to nibble(v.轻咬) your finger germs could sneak in(偷偷溜入) the hole.”
    “To sick me like when I was three with throw up(呕吐) and diarrhea(腹泻)?”
    “Even worse than that” says Ma “germs could make you die.”
    “And go back to Heaven early?”
    “You’re still biting it.” She pulls my hand away.
    “Sorry.” I sit on the bad hand. “Call me Mr. Five again.”
    “So Mr. Five” she says “now or later?”
    I jump onto Rocker(摇椅) to look at Watch he says 07:14. I can skateboard on Rocker without holding on to her then I whee back onto Duvet(n.羽绒被) and I’m snowboarding instead. “When are presents meant to open?”
    “Either way would be fun. Will I choose for you?” asks Ma.
    “Now I’m five I have to choose.” My finger’s in my mouth again I put it in my armpit(n.腋窝) and lock shut. “I choose—now.”


    The room is not the room it's memory that makes the room. 若见诸相非相,即见如来。


    1970-01-01   7赞       1踩       630浏览 评论(1)
女 中级配角lv29


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