• Freya_Tang     与母亲有关的温情小故事

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    今天是母亲节,和大家分享《读者文摘》(Reader's Digest)中几则与母亲有关的温情小故事。看完故事,如果你有所触动的话,就鼓起勇气,和麻麻说一声,我爱你!

    - 1 -

    For my brother, my sister, and me, Guitar Hero was a competition of who could score the most points on the hardest level.

    Mom, on the other hand, would play the ten-minute “Freebird” on the easiest level while we kids prepared for our next showdown.

    When Mom restarted the song after missing a note, we all shouted our disapproval.

    “Rock stars do what they want,” she said, and we laughed because we agreed: Mom was a rock star.

    That's why, later, her funeral felt more like the last stop on a farewell tour, with “Freebird” as the perfect send-off.


    - 2 -

    On the first day of first grade, I stood by the front door with butterflies in my stomach.

    I voiced my biggest concern to my mother: “How will I make friends?”

    Crouching in front of me, she handed me advice I carry with me to this day: “Be Switzerland.”

    Be friends with everyone. Treat everyone equally and fairly. For all of my 20 years, I have lived by these words.

    Soon I will graduate and become a part of the real world. And on that first day, nervously facing new responsibilities, I know I will whisper two words to myself: “Be Switzerland.”

    注:Be Switzerland,指像中立国瑞士一样,在社交上保持中立,不偏不倚,人不犯我我不犯人。


    - 3 -

    My six-year-old son, Nicholas, sat in the grocery cart as I perused the canned vegetables.

    “How about this one, Mommy?” he asked, and handed me a can of asparagus.

    “I love asparagus!” I told him. “Asparagus is my favorite vegetable, but it’s just too expensive.” I put the can back on the shelf.

    Three months later, I opened a crudely wrapped present from under the Christmas tree. It was a can of asparagus.

    Nicholas beamed in delight as he explained how he had saved his pennies to buy me the best Christmas gift I'd ever received.


    - 4 -

    “Mommy, you are a fairy,” I said.

    My mother laughed like tinkling bells.

    “I am serious, Mother. You know everything.”

    “My child, I try to answer as best as I can. When you grow older, you will not need me,” she said.

    “No, Mom, I will always need you. Nothing can change that,” I said.

    Her words echo in my heart as I look at the blue sky: “Dear daughter, nothing remains the same except the vast blue sky.”

    It has been ten years since I lost my fairy. Mom, you were wrong about one thing: I still need you.


    - 5 -

    My mom had a great sense of humor and a knack for making every thing fun.

    One thing that resonated with me, even as a small child, was how much she seemed to enjoy her own company and found ways to entertain herself.

    As a kid, I remember her giggling while paying bills. What was so funny about bill paying?

    She would put humorous notes in the reference section of the check: For the electric bill, she might put “You light up my life,” and for the mortgage she’d write “Four shingles closer to owning it all.”

    - 6 -

    Thirty-five years ago, when my mom was 22, she became a widow and a mother within the same month.

    The life she had imagined was stolen in a heartbeat. She tried to move on, but was lost.

    She gave me to my father's family to be raised in the United States.

    Some call her weak; others call her selfish. I could be bitter.

    Instead, I'm grateful for the life I have and to have a mother who sacrificed our relationship to give me a chance at a better life. She is courageous. She is my mother.


    - 7 -

    The day I was dreading had arrived—it was inevitable. I had seen it coming but had chosen to ignore it for as long as possible.

    My very capable, intelligent mom had started forgetting to pay her bills, and it was time to take over her finances.

    As I looked through her wallet, I made a remarkable discovery.

    Tucked away in a tiny compartment were four Mother's Day poems I'd written for her in the 1960s. She had saved and cherished those simple gifts for 50 years. What a happy surprise!


    - 8 -

    Coming home from work one day, I found my mom dancing to Robert Palmer's “Addicted to Love.”

    I watched, enthralled, as she moved and sang along, her hips twisting to the beat, big smile plastered on her face.

    It had been a long while since I'd seen her dance, so this display of pure joy was infectious.

    She died unexpectedly in her sleep a few weeks later. I have many memories of her that I'll always cherish, but none quite as happy and carefree as her dance that day.

    - 9 -

    My mother was my best friend. She loved cardinals, the male red ones.

    When she got sick with pancreatic cancer and knew death was near, she told me to always look for the red cardinal—that would be her.

    I never paid too much attention to that statement; I was too busy becoming an adult.

    Twenty-five years later, every time I feel at my wits' end, there is a cardinal flying past me or in a nearby tree.

    Is it coincidence, or my mother, all these years later, letting me know that everything will be OK? I'll take the latter.

    - 10 -

    I stopped at a flower shop to order some flowers to be wired to my mother who lived two hundred miles away.

    As I got out of my car I noticed a young girl sitting on the curb sobbing.

    I asked her what was wrong and she replied, "I wanted to buy a red rose for my mother. But I only have seventy-five cents, and a rose costs two dollars."

    I smiled and said, "Come on in with me. I'll buy you a rose." I bought the little girl her rose and ordered my own mother's flowers.

    As we were leaving I offered the girl a ride home. She said, "Yes, please! You can take me to my mother."

    She directed me to a cemetery, where she placed the rose on a freshly dug grave.

    I returned to the flower shop, canceled the wire order, picked up a bouquet and drove the two hundred miles to my mother's house.

    1970-01-01   38赞       2踩       2656浏览 评论(39)
女 女一号lv43


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