• Scofield2015     英语里的委婉语

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》





    1. restroom

    Can I use the restroom? 我可以用下洗手间吗?

    Where can I wash my hands? 哪儿有洗手间?

    2. public conveniences

    Are there any public conveniences nearby? 附近可有公共卫生间?

    3. ladies / gents

    The ladies and gents are down the corridor on your right. 女士和男士卫生间就在你右手边的走廊里。


    4. the smallest room of the house 房子里最小的一间屋,这种诙谐说法于20世纪30年代出现在英文里,现在已经有些过时,较少被使用。

    I'd like to pay a visit to the smallest room of the house. 我要去“参观”一下厕所。

    5. powder my nose 女士用补妆来委婉表达上厕所,当然爱开玩笑的男士也可以这么说。

    Where can I powder my nose? 我上哪儿能补个粉?

    6. see a man about a dog 这种说法原始意思是指为赛马或者赛狗**,后来通常作为离开或缺席的借口。原因通常是去上厕所,或者买酒。

    He's gone to see a man about a dog. 他去方便了。


    1. between jobs 在前一个和后一个工作之间,也就是待业啦。

    Interviewer: Tell me about your current position. 面试官:请告诉我你目前的职位。

    Job candidate: I'm between jobs right now. 求职者:我目前暂时待业。

    2. a resting actor 这种说法多指演员。

    Harry's a resting actor. 哈利是个待业演员。


    1. expect 即期待婴儿出生。

    His wife is expecting. 他妻子怀孕了。

    She is expecting in March. 她预产期是三月。

    2. have a bun in the oven 烤箱里有面包了。英式英语,诙谐用法。

    Have you heard that Katy has a bun in the oven? 你听说没,凯蒂有啦?

    3. in the family way 这是比较老式的说法。

    Have you heard that Jean's in the family way? 你听说没,简怀上啦?

    They plan to get married now that he's put her in the family way. 他弄大了她的肚子,俩人只好结婚。


    1. tired and emotional 这是一种较为礼貌和幽默的方式表示某人喝醉了。

    You must excuse me, I'm a bit tired and emotional just now. I think I'd best be going home. 请原谅我,我眼下醉意朦胧,最好还是回家吧。

    2. have a bit too much to drink 也就是喝多了。

    He had a bit too much to drink last night. 他昨晚喝多了。

    3. to be a bit worse for wear “The worse for wear”是指衣服穿久,破烂不堪的样子。如果某人喝太多,走路东倒西歪,形象全无,那么你就可以用这个表达来形容他醉的程度。

    The three came stumbling in, the worse for wear again. 这三人跌跌撞撞进门,又是烂醉如泥的。

    John looked a bit worse for wear as he got home. 约翰到家的时候看起来醉得一塌糊涂。


    economical with the truth 很少提供实情的,谎话连篇的。

    I discovered that my boss had been economical with the truth when she said that the company was making money. 我发现老板说公司盈利其实隐瞒了真相。


    1. full and frank discussion 表面意思即深入而坦率的探讨,这是一种礼貌的说法,表示争吵或责难(reprimand)。

    The directors had a full and frank discussion in the meeting. 主管们在会上争执不休。

    2. have words with someone Words(注意是复数)有口角、争论(altercation)的意思。这个表达指可以指吵架,也可以指训斥某人。

    Elaine had words with Tony over his driving habits. 伊莲和托尼因为后者的开车习惯问题而吵起来。

    If Pete keeps on pushing Billy I'm going to have words with him. 如果皮特老这样逼比利,我可要好好找他谈谈了。


    1. be disadvantaged,即处境不利的,生活条件差的、经济地位低下的……

    The government is introducing new schemes to help the disadvantaged. 政府引入了新计划,帮助条件差的人群。

    2. financially embarrassed 经济拮据、财产情况窘迫的

    I'm afraid I can't come to the restaurant with you. I'm financially embarrassed at the moment. 抱歉我不能和你去下馆子了,我目前手头拮据。


    1. pass away 过世,这是很常见的代替die这个词的表达,带有哀悼和尊敬的意味。

    Her uncle passed away last year. 她叔叔去年过世了。

    2. lost his/her battle 被病魔打败,一般指人和病魔抗争,最终没能战胜病魔而死去。

    My brother lost his battle with lung cancer years ago. 我哥哥几年前在和肺癌的抗争中去世。

    3. meet one's Maker 去见造物主,这是稍微诙谐一点的说法,注意这个Maker要大写,有造物主的意思,所以去见造物主了就是灵魂回归了,就像我们会说某人“去见马克思了”。

    He knew that he came into the world with nothing and that he would go to meet his Maker with empty hands. 他知道自己一无所有来到世上,也将会两手空空离开人间。

    He's gone to meet his Maker. 他去见造物主了。

    4. six feet under 六尺之下,这是指人死后被埋在六尺黄土之下,也不是特别严肃的说法。

    I won't worry about money when I'm six feet under. 我入土了以后,也就不用再为钱财劳心了。

    5. pushing up daisies 坟头长草,这种说法的意思是,人被埋入地下后,坟墓上会长出野花来。通常用在将来时中,不是严肃的用法。

    I'll be pushing up daisies before this problem is solved. 等这问题解决了,我差不多也该告别人世了。

    If you talk to me like that again, you'll be pushing up the daisies. 你要再敢这么跟我说话,你就死定了。

    6. in one's box 进棺材,非正式说法,俚语。

    When I'm in my box you can argue all you like about the inheritance. 等我进了棺材,你再去争遗产吧,想怎么争怎么争。


    宠物也是家庭成员,如果养的宠物正遭受病痛折磨,很多主人会考虑让它们解脱痛苦(put it out of its misery),也就是animal euthanasia(安乐死)。

    1. put down

    We had to put our cat down as she was very ill. 我们不得不让我们的猫安乐死,她已经病入膏肓了。

    2. put an end to its suffering

    We put an end to her suffering. 我们让她解脱病痛了。


    外貌年龄高矮胖瘦和年龄也是人们的敏感点,fat、thin、old这种词当面最好还是不要说,太容易冒犯人(cause offense)。

    下面给出一些机智的替代词(alternatives),注意在使用的时候,最好再加上些缓和语气的修饰词,比如"a bit"或 "a little" 。


    1. overweight; heavy 体重偏重

    2. plump 丰满

    3. a bit chubby 圆乎乎的,chubby 尤其多用于形容小朋友

    4. curvy; curvaceous (指女性)曲线丰满

    5. statuesque 高大结实

    6. well-built / a big man (指男性)结实、高大


    1. slim; slender 苗条纤细

    2. petite 娇小,尤指女性

    3. wiry 瘦而结实(一点脂肪都没有)


    1. a pensioner **老金者,退休老人

    2. elderly 长者

    3. a senior citizen 年长公民

    4. middle-aged 中年人

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