• Scofield2015     翻译赏析

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    "假如我再上一次大学", 多少年来我曾反复思考过这个问题。我曾一度得到两个截然相反的答案: 一个是最好不要再上大学,"知识越多越反动",我实在心有余悸。一个是仍然要上,而且偏偏还要学现在学的这一套。后一个想法最终占了上风,一直到现在。我为什么还要上大学而又偏偏要学现在这一套呢?没有什么堂皇的理由。我只不过觉得,我走过的这一条道路,对己,对人,都还有点好处而已。我搞的这一套东西,对普通人来说,简直像天书,似乎无补于国计民生。然而世界上所有的科技先进国家,都有梵文、巴利文以及佛教经典的研究,而且取得了辉煌的成绩。这一套冷僻的东西与先进的科学技术之间,真似乎有某种联系。其中消息耐人寻味。

    Why do I still want to go to college and learn the same subject? In fact there aren't any grandiose reasons. I simply assume that what I have done can benefit not only myself but also others. My research is so mysterious to ordinary people that they may consider it as useless to the national interest and people's livelihood in China.However, the studies of Sanskrit, Pali and the Buddhist Scriptures have been done and prospered in every developed country with advanced science and technology. There seems to be a relationship between the obsolete linguistic research and the advanced science and technology , which is really thought-provoking.

    1970-01-01   16赞       0踩       397浏览 评论(6)
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