• Scofield2015     王毅外长在美国战略和国际问题研究中心的演讲

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    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    -----选自《2016-02-28 英语世界》

    A Changing China and Its Diplomacy

    Speech by Foreign Minister Wang Yi at the Center for Strategic and International Studies

    February 25, 2016

    Good morning. I appreciate the opportunity to come to the best think tank, and to tell you about China and China’s diplomacy.

    I want to talk about a changing China and its diplomacy. Talking about change and development in China, the biggest there is that for over 30 years we have registered double-digit growth in our economy. And that’s a miracle for the world to see. We have now become the second-largest economy in the world, and we have lifted over 600 million people out of poverty. This is the biggest achievement in accomplishing the Millennium Development Goals.

    On the other hand, we realize the old development model is no longer sustainable. For the sake of the world of our posterity, we must change our development model. So we took a decisive decision, without any hesitation, to press ahead with structural reform, despite all the pains and sacrifices. And we want to take a circular, green, sustainable path of development.

    And let me say to you all that we have already made visible progress. Last year, the tertiary industry accounted for over half of our economy, and environmental degradation has been kept under control. Most notably, consumer spending is contributing to a larger and larger share of the economy. The figure last year was 66 percent. In other words, you have the three drivers of growth, investment, export and consumption, and for the first time consumption has emerged as the biggest driver of the economy. This is a more healthy and sustainable pattern of growth.

    Of course, in the absence of large-scale investment, the GDP growth rate might moderate a little bit. Yet, we’re now talking about a 10 trillion U.S. dollar economy, and last year we achieved 6.9 percent growth. Every percentage of growth last year was equivalent to 2.6 percentage points of growth a decade ago. So China continues to be the important engine for the world economy.

    Of course, in the recent period, we are against some economic headwinds. This has a lot to do with the global economic environment, because we’re now a very open economy. We hear some concerns about the Chinese economy, but let me make it very clear to the friends here that there will not be economic hard landing in China. China will not close its door of openness, and the reform in China will not come to a stop.

    We have relied on reform and opening for our past growth, and the entire party and country in China agree that we need to continue with reform and opening. There shouldn’t be any doubt about that. And this year, the economy will be even more healthier and efficient. And we’re looking at mid to high rate of growth for a considerable period of come, and the economy will move to the middle to the higher end of the value chain.

    Where does our confidence come from? I’m no economist, but let me talk about the three key advantages of the Chinese economy.

    First of all, we have a huge market potential in China. Yesterday afternoon I was up on Capitol Hill, and some members of Congress said to me that the United States has a serious trade imbalance with China; we’re buying too much from China, you are buying too little from us. And I said to him, Mr. Congressman, just wait a little longer and the situation will change, because the Chinese market is potentially four times the size of the American market and it is emerging rapidly to become a real market. It’s a market of 1.3 billion people. It’s going to mature very soon. And when that day comes, China will run a large deficit and we will buy lots of goods from the United States – high-quality and inexpensive goods from this country. And that day is sure to come.

    The second key advantage of the Chinese economy is the pace of urbanization. Well, developed economies have an urbanization rate of around or above 80 percent. But when you look at China, the registered urban population is less than 40 percent. In other words, we have enormous potential and room to tap. And herein lies enormous business opportunities.

    The third key advantage of the Chinese economy is expansion of the service sector. Normally, the service sector would account for over 70 percent in developed economies. And in China, it’s just past the 50 percent mark. So in this area, as well, there is enormous potential.

    China will surely continue to grow and develop, and we will provide many more business opportunities for the United States and other countries. And China and the United States will surely become long-term economic and trade partners.

    Moving on to China’s diplomacy, diplomacy is the extension of domestic affairs. We have already set out the two centenary goals, and we’re uniting all the people in China in a common effort to realize the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation. And Chinese diplomacy will serve this overriding domestic objective. We want to do all we can to facilitate the accomplishment of our goal, and we want to create a more stable, enabling and friendly external environment for China’s development. We want to harness more external resources for the benefit of China’s development.

    I’m sure you’re all impressed with China’s development in recent years. You have every reason to be. In the last three years, President Xi Jinping built on the good tradition of China’s diplomacy, and articulated a whole series of new ideas and concepts. In our diplomacy, we are more proactive in defending China’s legitimate and lawful national interests. We’re more proactive in shouldering our due international responsibilities and obligations. And we are more proactive in working with other countries, particularly the United States, to pursue win-win interstate relations.

    At present and in the period to come, what are the main tasks for the Chinese diplomacy? You may have read lots of material and commentary. Well, today I want to give you my understanding and interpretation of it. In my view, China’s diplomacy will have five key tasks.

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