• Scofield2015     英语口语中经典的装逼表达

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》



    1、Man, I found studying at Harvard/Oxford/Cambridge so hard! (兄弟,我觉得在哈佛\牛津\剑桥上学太难了!)

    2、(When yawning the day after a date) Sorry I look so tired. I er, didn’t get much sleep last night…(约会后的第二天,懒洋洋的打个哈欠,说,抱歉我看起来很累,呃……其实昨晚我没怎么睡……)

    3、I didn’t realize buying a house in London was such a long process. It’s so boring… (我根本没有意识到在伦敦买房子需要这么长的过程,太无聊了……)

    4、Sorry I haven’t been around much lately, owning your own business means your social life suffers a little…(抱歉我最近都没有出现,拥有自己的生意总是伴随着社交生活的小缺憾)

    5、OMG those photos of me at the party in Rome are so embarrassing!!! (意思是:I went to a party and you did not)(天啊,这些我在罗马参加的聚会太令人尴尬了!意思是:我去了,你没去



    1、Correct me if I’m wrong but… (真正意思:我知道我没错…)

    2、Are you sure you want to be doing that? (真正意思:你做错,我会告诉你正确的方式)

    3、I’m not being snobby, but…(真正意思: I am about to be snobby (装逼))

    4、I’m not about to tell you what you should be doing with your life, but if I were you… (真正意思:I am going to tell you what I think you should be doing with your life. i.e. Do what I did with mine)

    “Fun” 和“quirky”装逼:


    1、I’m a bit wild / I’m loco / I’m a bit mental / My friends call me crazy…(说完一个关于他们的crazy故事后)What am I like?!

    2、Sometimes being a heavyweight drinker is such a bore. I always have to stay out late partying…

    3、I don’t take shit from anybody (真正意思:I so far this day haven’t taken any shit from anybody)

    4、Oh no! I slept through my English exam today. I’m so crazy!

    Man-of-the-world 装逼:


    1、I’ll never forget what that little orphan I saved from a landslide said to me…(我永远不会忘记我从泥石流里面救起来的小孤儿……)

    2、When I was building that homeless shelter…(当我帮忙建造那个无家可归人的避难所……)

    3、If you’ve travelled as much as I have you will know that…(如果你和我去过的一样地方一样多,你就会明白……)

    4、There was this great little café in Milan next to my apartment where I…(在我米兰公寓的附近,有一个很棒的小咖啡馆……)

    5、If you know the locals as well as I do…(如果你对当地的情况和我了解的一样的话……)

    6、I don’t really have any “expat” friends out here…(我在这个国家没有外国的朋友,只有当地的朋友)

    7、After a month learning the local language, I got a job doing…(我花了一个月学习当地的语言,我有了一个做……的工作)

    1970-01-01   12赞       0踩       541浏览 评论(7)
男 魔仙lv73


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