• Ellalalalala     My Life in Canada

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    CN Tower :I really love the blue sky here.

    Casa Loma: It is an old personal castle . There are 98 rooms in it.

    The Niagara Falls

    I love the rainbow.

    Unluckily,when I took photos,my cell phone is out of juice.So I don't have enough photos about it.

    Thousand-Island Lake

    My host family: We made pumpkin lantern for Halloween.

    The last dinner of mine😔

    My friends

    This is a dog in my host family.

    I stay in Canada for 2 weeks.Although it's not very long,I truly learned a lot and made many friends.
    My friends will come to China this March. I look forward to seeing them again.😊

    Is he cool?haha I think so

    1970-01-01   13赞       1踩       381浏览 评论(4)
女 中级配角lv30


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