• Jimmy_JC     Preparation for the appointment

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    W:Peter, I'd like to check with you the
    program for Thursday again to make
    sure that everything is in order.
    P:All righ. We've arranged for a car to pick
    up Mr. Johnson and his colleague at
    airport. They're due to arrive at 9:30.
    W:They 'll only have hand luggage, so they
    should be coming into the Arrival Lounge
    soon aferwards. How will they know
    which is waiting for them.
    P:The driver will be at the exit to the
    Customs Hall, holding a placard with Mr.
    Johnson's name on it.
    W:Maybe, I should go to the airport myself....
    P:Don't worry. The diver's used to meeting
    people like that. If there is any problem,
    he'll ask for an announcement to be
    made over the public address system,
    asking Mr. Johnson to come to the
    reception desk.
    W:If all goes well, they will get to us by 10:30.
    P:I've arranged for coffee, soft drinks and
    biscuits to be served in the board room at
    W:What sort of coffee?
    P:What do you mean?
    W:Every detail counts, Peter, even the coffee
    . I'll make it myself if necessary, but I
    want it to be good.

    1,arrange for sb./sth. to........為.....做安排
    2,pick up 接送..人
    3 , count 有重要意義

    1970-01-01   2赞       0踩       23浏览 评论(1)
男 中级龙套lv8


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