• Scofield2015     外国人讨厌的英文词

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    近日,一大波2015年最令人讨厌的英文词和短语就登上了美国《纽约时报》,该英文榜单由美国LSSU大学(Lake Superior State University)公布,当选的都是“年度最易被错用、滥用、甚至无用的英语词汇”。入选的词汇中有哪些已经被你拿去提高格调了?还无视老外感受的小伙伴们赶紧跟着主页君涨姿势吧!看完歪果仁的吐槽,保证你再也不敢乱说英文了~


    所以说(So)……2015年头号讨人厌的英文单词就是它了。当你同外国人交流的时候是不是老爱说:So 吧啦吧啦?恭喜你躺枪了。主页君原以为这只不过是Chinglish,看来老外也爱用,而且还很不招人待见。好像用了“So”,接下来要说的话就特别在理。来看看歪果仁是怎么这个单词的:

    Currently, it is being overused as the first word in the answer to ANY question. For instance, 'How did you learn to play the piano? ' Answer: 'So my dad was in a classical music club...'

    “So”这个词都被用滥了,几乎回答任何问题都能用它来开场。比如: How did you learn to play the piano?(你怎么学的弹钢琴?)答:So my dad was in a classical music club... (所以说,我爸当时在一个古典音乐俱乐部里……)

    Tune in to any news channel and you'll hear it. The word serves no purpose in the sentence and to me is like fingernails on a chalkboard. So, I submit the extra, meaningless, and overused word “so.”


    Politicians, especially, are using this word when asked a question and not answering said question.


    Frequently used to begin a sentence, particularly in response to a question, this tiresome and grammatically incorrect replacement for "Like," or "Um," is even more irksome…It hurts my ears, every single time I hear it!


    So it's getting really annoying. So can we please put a stop to this?



    Now we are all encouraged to have a “conversation,” and everything will somewhat be magically resolved.


    Over the past five years or so, this word has been increasingly used by talking heads on radio, television and in political circles to describe every form of verbal communication known to mankind. It has replaced 'discussion', 'debate', 'chat','discourse', 'argument', 'lecture', 'talk'….all of which can provide some context to the nature of the communication. Perhaps the users feel that it is a word that is least likely to offend people, but I consider it to be imprecise language that, over time, dumbs down the art of effective discourse.


    Used by every media type without exception. No one listens.


    Have one, start one, engage in one. Enough.



    A corporate-academic weasel word, according to the Urban Dictionary.

    美国著名的在线俚语词典Urban Dictionary评论:“这是个听起来很考究,其实含糊其辞、不明所以的单词”。

    Somewhere along the line, this word became a trendy replacement for 'that is a problem.' I just hate it.

    不知啥时“Problematic”(有问题的/疑难的)开始流行,已经取代了“that is a problem.”(这是个问题)。我太讨厌这词了。

    Anything that the speaker finds vaguely inconvenient or undesirable, such as an opposing political belief or bad traffic. Contrast things that are self-evidently taken to be problematic with, say, actual problems like a hole in the ozone layer or a job loss.



    A word that has expanded from describing someone who may actually have a stake in a situation or problem, now being over-used in business to describe customers and others.


    Often used with “engagement.” If someone is disengaged, they're not really a stakeholder in the first place. LSSU, please engage your stakeholders by adding this pretentious jargon to your list.


    Dr. Van Helsing should be the only stake holder.



    Price Point

    Another example of using two words when one will do.


    This alliterative mutation seems to be replacing the word ‘price’ or ‘cost.’ It may be standard business-speak, but must it contaminate everyday speech?

    这个押头韵(首字母相同)的短语貌似是替代了“price(价格)”或“cost(费用)”。它是可以用于商务用语,但非得在日常用语里也这么用吗?该网友还举例:比如某医疗杂志里的这句:“Although the ‘price point’ of effective new drugs...may initially be out of reach for many patients...” (虽然这些有疗效的新药起初对很多患者来说价格太过昂贵。)这里用price(价格)不就好了,非要用price point(价格点)吗?

    Secret Sauce

    Usually used in a sentence explaining the ‘secret’ in excruciating public detail. Is this a metaphor for business success based on the fast food industry?

    这个词经常被用来解释、爆料某件超级烦人的公众细节。难道这是基于快餐行业成功的一个隐喻么?(“secret sauce”是秘方/秘籍/秘密武器/宝典的意思,按字面意思来看即“秘密的调料”。)

    It has become too frequent in business discussions. I am tired of it.


    Break the Internet

    An annoying bit of hyperbole about the latest saucy picture or controversy that is already becoming trite.


    Meaning a post or video or whatever will have so much Internet traffic that it will ‘break the internet.’ It’s being used for every headline and video. Ridiculous.

    用于形容一条火爆的帖子或者视频被疯传,会“刷爆网络/朋友圈” (break the internet)。几乎所有头条或视频标题都用这个词儿。真搞笑。

    I hope the list doesn’t ‘break the internet.’ (How else would I read it next year)?



    This shortened form of 'press release' and 'press conference' is not so impressive.

    这个“press release(媒体报道)”或“press conference(新闻发布会/记者招待会)”的简称并不能深入人心。

    Not only is there no intelligent connection between the word 'presser' and its supposed meaning, this word already has a definition: a person or device that removes wrinkles. Let's either say ‘press conference’ or ‘press release’ or come up with something more original, intelligent and interesting!


    This industry buzzword has slipped into usage in news reporting and now that they have started, they can't seem to stop using it.



    A word that is familiar to those in bigger cities, where seats on the bus or subway are sometimes difficult to find.


    Men don't need another disgusting-sounding word thrown into the vocabulary to describe something they do…You're just taking too much room on this train seat, be a little more polite...



    Vape and vaping are used to describe the act of ‘smoking’ e-cigarettes (another strange word) since the products emit vapor instead of smoke.

    Vape(电子香烟)、vaping(抽电子烟)其实就是smoking e-cigarettes。这个新造出来的诡异单词来源是因为电子香烟喷出的是蒸汽(vapor)而不是“烟(smoke)”。是啊主页君也很讨厌新造单词,本来脑容量就不够又得多记好多词汇、好多新用法有木有。

    Giving Me Life

    The phrase refers to anything that may excite a person, or something that causes one to laugh.


    Honey, that dress you got on is giving me life!

    This video of a guy falling over while running from a spider is giving me life!


    We had to include one for the sports fans. John Kollig of Jamestown, N.Y., says this is overused by every sports broadcaster and writer.


    I am not sure who is responsible, but over the last 12-18 months you cannot watch a sporting event, listen to a sports talk show on radio, or anything on ESPN without someone using this term to attempt to describe an athlete or a contest.


    Every time I hear them say it, I change the channel.


    What the heck does it mean?


    另外,在《纽约时报》的号召下,推特网友们也纷纷给出了自己最讨厌的词汇,比如bae(baby的一种写法), 动不动就用literally(字面上来说), whatever(……之类的), selfie(自拍),Trump等等。好吧,已被恶搞无数的美国总统参选人唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)又一次躺枪↓↓↓

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