• Estrellita小星星     想对这个世界说的一些话?(文艺个屁不就是演讲稿!?)

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    各位魔友萌 晚上好呀
    Very first time! 对于我这种母语是中文的大师姐 跟一群母语是英文的小师妹/弟斗真是😭亚历山大 不过我脸皮厚!!!我就想上台说!我就要说出来!给了钱比赛!我高兴!我任性!!!
    前期特别没灵感 不知道想说啥 后来狂看TED演讲发现讲者想讲的都是一些自己想要和世界分享的话(你在说废话吗喂(´-ι_-`)) 然后我就Inspired了! 使劲想我想对世界说啥话 !因为这是free topic 所以这对我来说也是一次公开表达我那奇奇怪怪天马行空想法的机会!(嗯就是被我带坏的机会😂)

    Anyway 参加这次演讲令我十分期待 我觉得我应该会收获很多 不管结果如何 为我加油吧!!爱泥萌!!下面放上我的演讲稿, 希望各路大神能抽空多多指出错误!我会虚心改进! 也谢谢你们慷慨相助!😘😘😘

    I have a dream!!成为大演说家的第一步😂😂加油!!!

    Good morning adjudicators,
    Today I want to talk about miracles. How many times have you seen in your lives? Maybe one or two that really impressed you. You see, I’ve been thinking this for a long time. It is a long time, I think. There was a time while I carelessly lost my phone. I started a life without my social activities online, feeling depressed about not being a part in everything happened in my friend circle .The time that I spent in the MTR is the most tough to me .The bore almost killed me, and when I looked around, everyone is looking at the screens of their phones. I felt a kind of embarrassed because I was all alone, stood there, without my phone. I looked at these people I met in the subway, a thought popped up in my mind. How did I meet these people? If I hadn’t took this train, where would they have been? I started to think this as a way to kill the time.
    I was dragged back to my junior hood. One day before the deadline of applying a writing contest, I had to change some personal information by mail otherwise I cannot receive the result of the contest. It is really urgent so I was rushed to send the mail. I only had checked the stamp on the mail before I headed to the post office. Then when I was about to put my mail into the box, I realized the stamp on the mail , somehow, was gone. I felt strange but without thinking too much, I asked the officer’s help to buy another stamp . She asked me to show her the address. I felt stranger. Because you know, Hong Kong people are always busy, why didn’t she just ask me instead showing her the mail? She took the mail and was staring at it for so long. I became inpatient and just told her the address. She then turned her back to take the stamps while she whispered: I didn’t see any address there… Suddenly I realized why she was so unsure. I didn’t check the most important thing – the address. So this experience inspired me a lot. Not just showed how careless I was, but also told me that we always can be surprised by our little pieces of the lives .I even thought that was God, Jesus who had taken my stamp and tried to warn me that I forgot the address and had helped me avoid missing the chance to develop myself.
    These are what I’ve been thinking, the miracles. How small it can be! In China, there are 13 hundred million people, the rate of meeting each other is 1/1300000000.Think about it. How thankful I can be to meet you guys! Although you may forget me, you may not even remember my name after this contest, but right now, right here, you can hear my voice and I can look through those dazzling eyes which are also looking at me. You sit here because you chose to take the chance instead being silent about the world and miss the opportunity to meet people, to witness miracles.

    Most of touching encounters are from these small miracles. If Jack hadn’t won the ticket of titanic, he wouldn’t meet his epic love, Rose. If hazel hadn’t attended the cancer support group, she wouldn’t have a totally transformed time in the rest of her lives. As I said, if we are not so careless but always have eyes to search for the beautiful things, we can meet thousands of miracles of our lives, and there are surly some miracles can change your life. We are always busy to work, to survive, to chase and achieve a lot things in society. When we can have a spare time to breathe from the busy lives, what we care about is the updates of social media sites, the photos posted by friends, the lives of others on the internet. As more instant information as we can access, less joys of exploring our real lives are gone. So why not started to look around and try to remember the people you meet? Try to feel the real world instead to search the world on the internet. You may be more grateful because of these small miracles. Live with miracles, and enjoy a life.
    Thanks for listening!

    1970-01-01   8赞       0踩       1549浏览 评论(14)
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