• Suzie♡     Strange Customs in Britain

    • Just for Fun

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    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    Speaking of Britain, you will probably think of the Big Ben, fish & chips and Queen Elizabeth. Well now I'd be very glad to tell you more about Britain, about some of the strange customs there.

    1. Do you know Guy Fawkes Night? It is on Nov. 5, when people play fireworks as a celebration of a big bang which fortunately, did not happen.
    In 1605, a man called Guy Fawkes wanted to kill the king, and as well blow up Parliament. But failed. The king's man found out about his plan and arrested him on Nov. 4.
    Now children look forward to Guy Fawkes Night. They make straw men called "Guy", show the Guys to passers–by, and collect pennies. At last they'd burn the straw men.

    2. After finishing eating eggs, British people would crush the eggshells with spoons. They believe there are devils hiding inside.

    3. In some places in Scotland, at weddings, as soon as the bride steps into the room, she'd throw a cake high up into the sky. The higher it goes, the luckier the couple will be.

    4. When visiting their friends in the new year, British people sometimes bring a piece of coal, and toss it into the stove at the friend's home. It means "wish you a lucky year".

    5. There are now seven ravens being kept in London Tower. British people believe that if these birds fly away, the tower will fall, and Britain will be destroyed. The government are paying for the raising of the ravens, and so far, these birds have been enjoying great popularity among tourists.

    1970-01-01   12赞       0踩       259浏览 评论(5)
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