• 烧!脑!     唯有好歌与美食不可辜负。

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    就在刚刚!我还在奋笔疾书的补作孽,手机音乐器突然推荐晚安曲歌单!!!!没错!!!就是晚安曲歌单啊啊!!这个点睡的都是作业写完的幸福银好吗!!! 我感觉 so sad
    (歌单有话说: ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ 怪我咯 )
    然后我就发现一首好好听的歌!!声音炒鸡干净!听起来炒鸡舒服 (*/∇\*)


    Who Says
    who says i can't get stoned
    turn off the lights and the telephone
    me in my house alone
    who says i can't get stoned

    who says i can't be free
    from all of the things that i used to be
    rewrite my history
    who says i can't be free

    it's been a long night in new york city
    it's been a long night in baton rouge
    i don't remember you looking any better
    but then again i don't remember you

    who says i can't get stoned
    call up a girl that i used to know
    fake love for an hour or so
    who says i can't get stoned

    who says i can't take time
    meet all the girls in the county line
    wait on fate to send a sign
    who says i can't take time

    it's been a long night in new york city
    it's been a long night in austin too
    i don't remember you looking any better
    but then again i don't remember you

    who says i can't get stoned
    plan a trip to japan alone
    doesn't matter if i even go
    who says i can't get stoned

    it's been a long night in new york city
    it's been a long time since 22
    i don't remember you looking any better
    but then again i don't remember,don't remember you


    1970-01-01   21赞       0踩       560浏览 评论(66)
女 入行配角lv23


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