• Scofield2015     句式表达

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    1、(1)他们提出了一项不错的计划。They came up with a good plan.(2)我上瘾了。I am hooked on it.(3)要不是吸毒,他可以过很富足的生活。But for drugs, he could have lived a rich life(4)他们坐下来喝了几杯茶。They sat down to several cups of tea.(5)王大头说他没有现钱。Wang Datou said he didn't have ready money.(6)这回你说到点子上了。Now you get the point.(7)他吃得太多,把自己给吃死了。He ate too much that he ate himself to death.(8)这导致了又一轮争斗。This triggered another round of fights.(9)天无绝人之路。Heaven never seals all the exits.(10)他走过去,把鸭子嘘走了。He went over and shooed the ducks away. 2、5. Why is it that...? 为什么……? 这是一个习惯表达法,that后面跟从句把要问的事情变得客观化,用起来就没有那么主观。 A: Why is it that I find chocolate so addictive? B: Because you’re a woman. All women find chocolate addictive. A: 我发现巧克力很容易上瘾,这是为什么? B: 因为你是个女人,而所有女人都会发现巧克力上瘾。 A: Why is it that I have had nightmares all these nights? B: Maybe you shouldn’t eat so much chocolate before bedtime! A: 这几个晚上我连续做噩梦,到底是怎么了? B: 也许你不应该在睡觉前吃那么多巧克力! There is a superstition that claims eating sweets before bedtime doesn’t give you sweet dreams, it gives you nightmares. Don’t say we didn’t warn you!有一种迷信的说法,在睡觉前吃甜食不会给你带来甜蜜的梦,相反,你会做噩梦。以后别说我们没有警告你哦!

    1970-01-01   8赞       0踩       176浏览 评论(3)
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