• Scofield2015     句式表达

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    1、When would you like to...? 你想什么时候……? 这种问句显得你比较尊重对方的意愿! A: When would you like to place an order? B: I’m not sure. I need some time to think it over. A: 你想什么时候下定单? B: 我不清楚。我需要一些时间来考虑。 A: When would you like to have the computer delivered? B: I work until five. Can I have it delivered later in the evening? A: 你想什么时候让我们把电脑送过去? B: 我五点下班。能不能晚上送过来? 2、(1)他这人有点手紧。He is a bit tight-fisted.(2)他比我高一个头。He stands a head over me.(3)紧邻操场建了一座体育馆。A gym was built next to the playground.(4)听到这里他放心地舒了一口气。At this, he heaved a sigh of relief.(5)我把他痛骂了一顿。I gave him a dressing-down.(6)“住口”,他一巴掌猛地拍在桌子上。"Shutup," he banged the table.(7)如果我们混在人群里就不会被注意到了。If we mingle with the crowd, we will not be noticed.(8)他怒气冲冲地走了。He left in a huff.(9)大家认为广州一直就是他的老家。Everybody thinks Guangzhouhas been his hometown all along.(10)得知真相后,他勃然大怒。Knowing the truth, he flew into a rage.

    1970-01-01   27赞       2踩       744浏览 评论(8)
男 魔仙lv73


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