• Scofield2015     句式

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    1、Don't be... 别;不要…… 这是我们本章第一个句型的否定形式,是第二个句型的一个特别形式,熟练掌握这三个句型,祈使句的大部分问题就解决了。 (1)Don't be lazy! 别偷懒!(2)Don’t be foolish! 别傻了! (3)Don't be childish! 不要耍小孩子脾气! (4)A: Do you think these white socks look OK with my black sandals and red pants? B: Don’t be such a nerd! When are you going to learn how to dress yourself properly? A: 你认为这些白袜子跟黑凉鞋和红裤子搭配起来很不错吗? B: 别这么恶心!你到底要什么时候才会学会穿着得体呀? 2、(1)汤姆夹在简和玛丽之间坐了下来。Tom sat down, sandwiched by Jean and Mary.(2)这台机器需要修理。This machine needs fixing.(3)悲伤再次在内心涌起。Sadness welled up in my heart once again.(4)月光从一扇窗户倾泻而入。Moonbeams streamed in through a window.(5)他们互相看了一眼。They exchanged a glance.(6)他们向我逼过来。The closed in on me.(7)我没有发现问题的要点。I missed the point of the issue.(8)一团黑色的烟雾飘向天空。A plume of smoke rose to the sky.(9)乞丐伸出沾满泥的手乞求给一个硬币。The beggar held out his mud-caked hand for a coin.(10)他偷偷看了几眼手表。He stole several glances at his watch.

    1970-01-01   6赞       0踩       133浏览 评论(4)
男 魔仙lv73


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