• £蓝色╃风铃彡     (十五)恐怖袭击之“自救”指南

    • Just for Fun

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    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    Don' worry.(๑´ㅂ`๑)Now,让我们一起跟着风铃(有木有想我)看看怎样try your best去自救吧☆
    同时也学习一些相关词句吧☆(ง •̀_•́)ง
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    Keeping Your Family Safe During a Terrorist Attack


    Fearingfuture terrorist attacks does not mean that people have to live in fear every day. There are several steps people may take to help prepare and protect their families. One such action is to become familiar with the Seven Signs of Terrorism, developed by the Metropolitan Transportation Authority of New York, that have been adopted by State Police across the country as an educational tool.

    The Seven Signs of Terrorism

    Surveillance 监视
    Be on the lookout for someone recording or monitoring activities. The type of recording does not have to be as obvious as a camera or a video camera; the person may be taking notes, drawing diagrams, annotating maps, or using binoculars, etc.

    Elicitation 打探信息
    Be wary of people or groups who attempt to learn information about military operations, capabilities, or people. The attempts do not have to be face-to-face. They may be made by mail, telephone, etc.

    Tests of Security 试探安全措施
    If someone is attempting to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of security measures, or if he is attempting to record and analyze reaction times to security breaches, contact your local authorities.如果有人试图评估安全措施的优势和不足,或者他试图记录并分析安全漏洞的反应时间,那么请联系当局。

    Acquiring Supplies 购买补给品
    Be vigilant about people who purchase or steal explosives, weapons, ammunition, etc. Other supplies that may be needed for a terrorist attack are military uniforms, flight manuals, badges or the equipment to make them, and any other controlled items. And, as we learned in the Boston bombing, materials such as pressure cookers and fireworks also may be supplies that terrorists purchase in large quantities.

    Suspicious persons out of place 可疑人物
    Of course, we are wary of people who don’t seem to belong in our neighbourhoods. But, people also may arouse suspicion at work, businesses, or anywhere, for that matter. Also be alert for people who suspiciously cross the border, stow away on board a ship, or jump ship in port if you are traveling.

    Dry run/Trial run 排练或试验
    Terrorists may practice their attack prior to carrying it out, so watch for people who move around but don’t seem to have a true purpose. A terrorist also may map out routes or time traffic lights, so be on the lookout for these types of activities.

    Deploying Assets 部署“物资”
    Terrorists have to get people and supplies positioned prior to committing the terrorist act. If you suspect these activities are occurring, immediately contact the authorities because this may be the last chance you have to do so before the terrorist act takes place.

    Virtuallyall state and federal agencies encourage families to take the time to prepare for terrorist attacks. There are three steps to help you get started on protecting your loved ones from acts of terrorism.

    Know your work, school, and community disaster plans. If you do not know the plans, contact your supervisor, school administrators, or local fire department for information.

    Identify an alternative hospital. Hospitals closest to the event always are the busiest.

    Use online resources to create disaster plans and review steps for protecting yourself and your loved ones.


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