• Scofield2015     社会生活词汇

    • Uh!I…I…I can't believe it!….

    • (吸气)! 我无法相信我的眼睛! (晕倒)

    • from:《和海绵宝宝学口语 E23》


    驴友 tour pal
    社会保险机构 social security institution
    社会热点问题 hot spots of society
    社会治安情况 law-and-order situation
    社区服务 community service
    生计问题 bread-and-butter issue
    生态文明 ecological civilization
    生意兴隆 business flourishes
    失业保险金 unemployment insurance benefits
    试用期 probationary period
    下岗职工 laid-off workers
    小康之家 well-off family/ comfortably-off family
    一线城市 first-tier cities
    灾后重建 post-disaster reconstruction
    追潮族 fashion follower
    立交桥 flyover/overpass
    美容美发中心 beauty salon
    进餐习俗 eating customs
    出师不利 get off on the wrong foot
    痛失良机 let something slip through one's fingers
    不附带任何条件 be accompanied by no conditions
    共同努力 jointly work hard for
    温室效应 green-house effect
    土地沙漠化 desertification
    生态恶化 deterioration of the ecology
    提高人们的环境意识 raise people's awareness of the environment
    保护生态环境 environment protection
    吃饭穿衣 food and clothing

    1970-01-01   7赞       0踩       511浏览 评论(2)
男 魔仙lv73


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