• 卡格格     IWI卡卡接【爱的教育?】41(6)棒

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《坚不可摧》

    BTW, 请大家不要再喊我【卡卡老师】了,带个【老师】感觉瞬间跟小伙伴们拉开了距离…大家来魔方都是一样的身份啦~💪


    At that moment he heard himself called in a weak voice,--"Signor Captain!" He turned round. It was his drummer-boy. He was lying on a cot bed, covered to the breast with a coarse window curtain, in red and white squares, with his arms on the outside, pale and thin, but with eyes which still sparkled like black gems.
    "Are you here?" asked the captain, amazed, but still sharply. "Bravo! You did your duty.""I did all that I could," replied the drummer-boy.
    "Were you wounded?" said the captain, seeking with his eyes for his officer in the neighboring beds.
    "What could one expect?" said the lad, who gained courage by speaking, expressing the lofty satisfaction of having been wounded for the first time, without which he would not have dared to open his mouth in the presence of this captain; "I had a fine run, all bent over, but suddenly they caught sight of me. I should have arrived twenty minutes earlier if they had not hit me. Luckily, I soon came across a captain of the staff, to whom I gave the note. But it was hard work to get down after that caress! I was dying of thirst. I was afraid that I should not get there at all. I wept with rage at the thought that at every moment of delay another man was setting out yonder for the other world. But enough! I did what I could. I am content. But, with your permission, captain, you should look to yourself: you are losing blood."


    Several drops of blood had in fact trickled down on the captain's fingers from his imperfectly bandaged palm.
    "Would you like to have me give the bandage a turn, captain? Hold it here a minute."
    The captain held out his left hand, and stretched out his right to help the lad to loosen the knot and to tie it again; but no sooner had the boy raised himself from his pillow than he turned pale and was obliged to support his head once more.


    【IWI】I'm worth it!💪

    1970-01-01   26赞       0踩       334浏览 评论(78)
女 戏骨lv63


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